NPA receives calls everyday from parents and
health professionals reporting product treatment failure
... reports of folks using "everything on the drug
store shelf," only to continue finding adult-sized
crawling lice.
Unfortunately, frustrated parents have responded to
persistent infestations by repeatedly using treatment
products, or by resorting to dangerous alternatives.
There are many elements that can play a role in treatment
failure. While there is more than sufficient reason to
seriously consider insect resistance, we must also
acknowledge other possible contributing factors such as
failure to follow product treatment instructions, failure
to remove all nits, and false hope generated by product
marketing promises.
Until the treatment failure crisis is fully addressed
by the scientific and medical community as well as the
product manufacturers, the NPA is offering the following
suggestions for those who use a lice treatment product
and experience treatment failure:
- If you continue to be infested with live lice
after treatment, discontinue use of the products
and don't use other products in the hope of
killing the lice. Remember, these products are
not mere shampoos, cremes or lotions, they are
- Never resort to dangerous remedies such as lindane, kerosene, or pet shampoos.
- Manual removal is crucial. Beyond snipping or
pulling out the nits, you should also be
screening for and removing live lice. Having at
least two people check an infested person is
important as one person cannot see the entire
scalp. Lice move quickly and shy away from light
when you are checking.
- Don't spend hours on end cleaning your
environment. Head lice need human blood to
survive. Vacuum surface areas only. Save your
time and energy for what will benefit you most,
delousing the individual. NEVER USE A LICE SPRAY!
- When screening for lice with a nit-removal comb,
it may be helpful to dip it into water and clean it before going to the next section of hair.
- Equip yourself and your helpers with a magnifying
glass, tweezers, safety scissors, and a nit-removal
- If you are experiencing treatment failure, please
report it to the NPA's Registry by
clicking here.