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You Would Think A Nit Would Knock
Before it moved Into Your Hair
By Jill Reynolds, RN, BNS, - Kalamazoo, Michigan
You would think a nit would knock
Before it moved into your hair
You would think that it would try to talk
And tell you that it's there,
Instead of sitting there, so lazy,
While its mother drives you crazy,
And you scratch and itch and wiggle' n twitch
So restless in your chair.
You would think a nit would knock before it moved into your hair,
But it's not concerned with manners,
And it doesn't even care
If you're dirty or you're neat,
If you're grouchy or you're sweet,
A nit is never picky
It will live in any hair.
Since a nit doesn't knock
Before it moves into your hair,
You may need a helpful grownup
To determine lice are there.
They're practically invisible,
Even while they make you miserable,
So a head check in your classroom
Is a sign that people care.
If a family of head lice
Is found hiding in your hair,
You need not feel that it's your fault
There is no guilt to bear.
A thorough combing with the LiceMeister®
Will get them out of there.
You can pick up lice from someone's hat
Or the back of someone's chair.
You can get lice from another's comb or
simply pass them hair to hair.
To be generous is nice,
But please take my advice
It is better for your health
To find something else to share.
I hope this silly poem of mine
Will help you be aware
Of how to keep head lice away
Because I really care
About your feelings and your health,
And all the things that make yourself
A person worth befriending
And now here comes the ending...