Producer: Catherine Clark
Reporter: Gillian Findlay Associate
Producer: Danielle Stone Research:
Lesley Cameron Editor: Gary Akenhead,
Dominique Banoun Camera: Georges
Laszuk, Ty Evans, John Badcock, Jeff Denesyk, Richard
Furlong Audio: Peter Wonsiak, Paul
Pickett, Mary Wong, Fredrick Edwards, Karndeep Jassal |
Not Nit-Picking
were known as the dirty dozen: DDTs, PCBs, dioxin,
chemical wonders, potent pesticides –the worst of the
worst of environmental pollutants.
We got rid of them in the bad old days of the
1970s and 1980s. The 1990s brought a new bunch of bad
guys to get rid of. They’re going, but not completely.
Some are still around, and one of them is turning up in
the most unlikely place – on your kid’s head.
Watch the Story
Discussion Board
Links: CBC does not endorse and is
not responsible for the content of external sites. Links
will open in a new window.
- Lindane Education And Research Network -
a comprehensive website with information about the
effects of lindane on humans.
- The Ban Lindane Campaign - this
UK-based group is calling for all lindane products to
be taken off shelves immediately, and for existing
stocks to be handed in for safe disposal.
- Lindane -
information about the chemical from IPCS INCHEM
(organization combs current, internationally
peer-reviewed chemical safety-related publications and
database records from international bodies, for
information about chemical safety.)
- What is Lindane Anyway? -
information from HeadLice.org, a production of the
U.S. National Pediculosis Association.
- Lindane Usage Reduction Project - an
effort by the Sanitation District of Los Angeles
County, City of Los Angeles Bureau of Sanitation, and
the National Pediculosis Association. The program
targeted those parties who either treat or provide
advice on the treatment of lice and scabies: doctors,
hospitals, pharmacies, school nurses, day care
centers, hospitals, and correctional institutions. It
was the first major program to convince physicians to
change the medications they prescribe based on
environmental concerns.
- MEDLINEplus: Head Lice -
links to information about identifying and treating
head lice (including alternative treatment methods).