Three New Reports Reveal Children's Chemical
Evidence Continues to Mount for School Pesticide Reform
U.S. EPA released their
second edition of America’s Children and the Environment: Measures of Contaminants,
Body Burdens, and Illnesses (www.epa.gov/envirohealth/chiidren)
in February. Included in the report are the results of a Minnesota study of
pesticides in schools, which found that some pesticides have been detected at
indoor concentrations potentially hazardous to children weeks and months
after application.
Forty percent of the
responding custodians reported that their schools provided no notification of
pesticide use such as notices in fumigated areas or pre- and post-application
letters to students and teachers.
The Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC) released the second National Report on Human
Exposure to Environmental Chemicals (www.cdc.gov/exposurereport),
which measured blood and urine samples for 116 chemicals that found their way
into the human population through pollution or consumer products.
The report found positive
results for 89 chemicals in the volunteers tested, including selected
organophosphate pesticides, herbicides, pest repellents and disinfectants.
The Environmental Working Group (EWG), in partnership with Mt. Sinai School
of Community Medicine and Commonweal released a similar study, Body Burden:
The Pollution In People (www.ewg.org/reports/ bodyburden/mdex.php).
Published in the peer-reviewed journal Public Health Reports, the study
offers an up-close and personal look at nine individuals whose bodies were
tested for 210 chemicals. Subjects contained an average of 91 compounds, most
of which did not exist 75 years ago.
Pesticide Monitor is published by
Beyond Pesticides and is a free service to those interested in school
pesticide issues.
Editors: Meghan Taylor and Kagan Owens. If
you are interested in receiving the
Pesticide Monitor via e-mail, contact us at info@beyondpesticides.org.