Association of Pesticide Exposure
With Neurologic Dysfunction and Disease
Freya Kamel; Jane A.
In This Article |
Freya Kamel and Jane A.
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences,
National Institutes of Health,
Department of Health
and Human Services,
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina,
Competing Interests Statement:
The authors
declare they have no
competing financial interests.
Environ Health Perspect 112(9):950-958,
© 2004 National Institute of Environmental Health
Abstract and Introduction
Poisoning by acute high-level exposure to certain
pesticides has well-known neurotoxic effects, but whether
chronic exposure to moderate levels of pesticides is also
neurotoxic is more controversial. Most studies of moderate
pesticide exposure have found increased prevalence of
neurologic symptoms and changes in neurobehavioral
performance, reflecting cognitive and psychomotor dysfunction.
There is less evidence that moderate exposure is related to
deficits in sensory or motor function or peripheral nerve
conduction, but fewer studies have considered these outcomes.
It is possible that the most sensitive manifestation of
pesticide neurotoxicity is a general malaise lacking in
specificity and related to mild cognitive dysfunction, similar
to that described for Gulf War syndrome. Most studies have
focused on organophosphate insecticides, but some found
neurotoxic effects from other pesticides, including
fungicides, fumigants, and organochlorine and carbamate
insecticides. Pesticide exposure may also be associated with
increased risk of Parkinson disease; several classes of
pesticides, including insecticides, herbicides, and
fungicides, have been implicated. Studies of other
neurodegenerative diseases are limited and inconclusive.
Future studies will need to improve assessment of pesticide
exposure in individuals and consider the role of genetic
susceptibility. More studies of pesticides other than
organophosphates are needed. Major unresolved issues include
the relative importance of acute and chronic exposure, the
effect of moderate exposure in the absence of poisoning, and
the relationship of pesticide-related neurotoxicity to
neurodegenerative disease.
Pesticides are used extensively throughout the world. In
the United States, more than 18,000 products are licensed for
use, and each year > 2 billion pounds of pesticides are
applied to crops, homes, schools, parks, and forests [U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Office of Pesticide
Programs 2002]. Such widespread use results in pervasive human
Evidence continues to accumulate that pesticide exposure is
associated with impaired health. Occupational exposure is
known to result in an annual incidence of 18 cases of
pesticide-related illness for every 100,000 workers in the
United States (Calvert et al. 2004). The best-documented
health effects involve the nervous system. The neurotoxic
consequences of acute high-level pesticide exposure are well
established: Exposure is associated with a range of symptoms
as well as deficits in neurobehavioral performance and
abnormalities in nerve function (Keifer and Mahurin 1997).
Whether exposure to more moderate levels of pesticides is also
neurotoxic is more controversial. Pesticide exposure may also
be associated with increased risk of neurodegenerative
disease, particularly Parkinson disease (Le Couteur et al.
In this review, we summarize briefly what is known about
the neurotoxic effects of high-level exposure, describe in
more detail the existing data on neurotoxic effects of chronic
exposure at lower levels, and then discuss the relationship of
pesticide exposure to neurologic disease. Although pesticide
exposure may have significant effects on neurodevelopment
(Eskenazi et al. 1999), this review focuses on effects in
adults >/= 18 years of age. Since differences in approach
to evaluating pesticide exposure may play a crucial role in
creating inconsistencies among studies, we first consider
pesticide exposure assessment.
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Pesticide Exposure
Pesticides are a broad range of substances most commonly
used to control insects, weeds, and fungi (plant diseases).
They are frequently classified by target organism or mode of
use as insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, or fumigants.
Insecticides are often subclassified by chemical type as
organophosphates (OPs), organochlorines, carbamates, and
pyrethroids. Individuals are frequently exposed to many
different pesticides or mixtures of pesticides, either
simultaneously or serially. These exposures are often highly
correlated, particularly within functional or chemical groups,
making it difficult to identify effects of particular
Studies of pesticide neurotoxicity have typically evaluated
either the long-term sequelae of pesticide poisoning or the
effects of occupational exposure (Table 1). Pesticide poisoning may go
undiagnosed, especially among farmworkers with poor access to
medical care (Moses et al. 1993) and particularly among women
(London et al. 2002). Thus, workers who have never been
diagnosed with pesticide poisoning may still have sustained
high exposures or experienced pesticide-related illness;
therefore using diagnosed poisoning as a criterion for
inclusion in an exposed group or exclusion from a comparison
group may incorrectly classify individuals.
Some studies of occupational pesticide exposure have
classified as exposed all members of an occupational
group—typically farmers or farmworkers—sometimes also
considering job duration. The potential for misclassification
with this approach is high. Farm owners who employ others to
apply pesticides may have limited personal exposure to
pesticides. Even among pesticide applicators, exposure can
vary widely. For example, farmworkers with little access to
information about safety practices or protective equipment
(Gomes et al. 1999) may sustain far more exposure than
well-trained and equipped commercial applicators (Maizlish et
al. 1987). Further, farmworkers who do not apply pesticides as
part of their job may still be exposed, and even family
members with no direct occupational exposure may be exposed at
home or elsewhere (Fenske 1997; Gladen et al. 1998), so
neither of these may be an appropriate comparison group.
Factors such as application method, use of personal
protective equipment, work practices related to hygiene,
spills, and attitudes toward risk may all influence the degree
of pesticide exposure and can be incorporated into exposure
estimates (Alavanja et al. 2004; Buchanan et al. 2001;
Dosemeci et al. 2002; Gomes et al. 1999; Hernandez-Valero et
al. 2001; London and Myers 1998; Ohayo-Mitoko et al. 1999;
Stewart et al. 2001). The relationship of these factors to
exposure can be complex. For example, wearing gloves can
increase exposure under some circumstances (Hines et al.
2001), perhaps because fabric (as opposed to chemically
impervious) gloves can become impregnated with pesticide and
serve as a reservoir of exposure. The same may be true of
other types of protective clothing (Ohayo-Mitoko et al. 1999).
In developing countries, use of closed pesticide mixing and
loading systems may increase exposure when the equipment is
used to speed up work and increase productivity rather than to
protect workers (McConnell et al. 1992). Additional factors
may be crucial for evaluating exposure in farmworkers, such as
availability of washing and drinking water, interval between
application of pesticides to a field and re-entry of workers,
and housing conditions (Arcury and Quandt 1998; Gomes et al.
1999; Hernandez-Valero et al. 2001; Tielemans et al. 1999).
Studies of neurotoxicity have used all these kinds of
information to evaluate pesticide exposure (Gomes et al. 1999;
Ohayo-Mitoko et al. 1999). The most sophisticated approaches
were employed by London and Myers (1998), who used a crop- and
job-specific job exposure matrix to evaluate exposure in a
study of the neurotoxicity of chronic OP exposure among South
African farmworkers, and by Buchanan et al. (2001), who
developed an exposure algorithm to predict diazinon exposure
for a study of chronic neurologic effects among sheep dippers
in the United Kingdom.
Both historic and current exposures may be relevant to
neurotoxicity and need to be characterized. Even among people
who remain in the same occupation, current exposure may not
reflect past exposure patterns because both available products
and methods of use change over time. The need to evaluate past
as well as current exposure has limited the utility of
biomarkers; most modern pesticides are not persistent, so
studies of chronic exposure rely primarily on
questionnaire-based methods. Biomarkers are, however, useful
in some situations. For example, organochlorines have a long
half-life, so serum levels can be used as a marker of exposure
to these pesticides. OP inhibition of erythrocyte
acetylcholinesterase (AChE) can also be used as an exposure
marker. The effect lasts 3-4 months, so AChE activity in whole
blood or erythrocytes can be used to evaluate subchronic
exposure, although interpretation can be complicated by acute
exposure. Although the clinical utility of this biomarker in
individuals may be limited by variability in baseline levels,
in populations chronic OP exposure is associated with small
but reliable decreases in erythrocyte AChE activity (Karr et
al. 1992; Ohayo-Mitoko et al. 1997). OPs also inhibit plasma
butylcholinesterase, but the effect lasts at most a few weeks
and is therefore not useful for evaluating chronic exposure.
Cholinesterase inhibition by carbamates lasts only minutes, so
it is not a useful marker of chronic exposure to these
Estimating lifetime pesticide exposure quantitatively is
difficult because it is affected by many factors, including
the multiple chemicals involved, uncertainty regarding the
degree of exposure related to specific job tasks or other
events, and contributions from multiple sources of exposure,
including sources unrelated to occupation. Further, the
biologically relevant exposure measure is not known: Peak or
average exposure intensity might be more important than
cumulative exposure. Thus, attempts to assess quantitative
dose-response relationships may be problematic. The goal of
exposure assessment in epidemiologic studies is not, however,
to assign quantitative dose estimates but rather to rank
individuals by relative exposure level. Assignment of either
exposed or unexposed individuals to the wrong category can be
a significant problem, as can combining individuals with low
and high levels of exposure into one group. Random
misclassification of exposure, unrelated to health outcome,
will typically weaken studies by making associations more
difficult to detect, although it will not undermine the
validity of any association that is observed. As discussed
above, assuming that all farmers or even all pesticide
applicators are equally exposed is likely to entail
significant misclassification, as is assuming that all
farmworkers who are not applicators are not exposed. Further,
studies that identify only a single highly exposed group for
study cannot evaluate the neurotoxicity of moderate exposure,
which may have great significance to public health. Methods
described above can correctly categorize study participants
with respect to their relative exposure levels, and using such
methods to increase precision of exposure assessment may help
minimize inconsistencies among studies.
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Neurotoxicity of High-Level Exposure
Most types of pesticides, including OP, carbamate, and
organochlorine insecticides as well as fungicides and
fumigants, can be neurotoxic, but only OPs have been studied
in detail (Keifer and Mahurin 1997). The response to OPs can
occur within minutes. Less severe cases of OP poisoning
display symptoms including headache, dizziness, nausea,
vomiting, pupillary constriction, and excessive sweating,
tearing, and salivation. More severe cases develop muscle
weakness and twitches, bronchospasm, and changes in heart rate
and can progress to convulsions and coma. The mechanism of OP
neurotoxicity in most cases involves overstimulation of
postsynaptic cholinergic receptors after inhibition of AChE
(Keifer and Mahurin, 1997), although other macromolecular
targets may also be involved (Pope 1999). An intermediate
syndrome, occurring 1-4 days after exposure, is characterized
by muscle weakness and can be fatal if respiratory muscles are
affected. Two to five weeks after exposure, some patients
develop OP-induced delayed polyneuropathy, a
well-characterized syndrome involving sensory abnormalities,
muscle cramps, weakness, and even paralysis, primarily in the
legs. These symptoms are a consequence of axonal death
following OP inhibition of a neural enzyme called neuropathy
target esterase and may be irreversible (Keifer and Mahurin
Several studies have shown that OP poisoning has additional
long-term sequelae. Studies of individuals with a history of
pesticide poisoning—farmworkers (London et al. 1998; McConnell
et al. 1994; Rosenstock et al. 1991; Wesseling et al. 2002),
farmers (Stallones and Beseler 2002), rescue workers
(Nishiwaki et al. 2001), or individuals identified from
hospitals or pesticide registries (Miranda et al. 2002; Savage
et al. 1988; Steenland et al. 1994)—have found that increased
symptom prevalence, deficits in cognitive and psychomotor
function, decreased vibration sensitivity, and motor
dysfunction can occur long after the immediate episode is
resolved. In some cases, effects were observed >/= 10 years
after poisoning (Savage et al. 1988), suggesting that the
residual damage is permanent. Even less severe poisoning can
have long-term consequences: Banana farm workers who had been
treated for intoxication with OPs or carbamates but did not
require hospitalization performed worse on tests of cognitive
and psychomotor function than did nonpoisoned workers when
tested > 2 years later (Wesseling et al. 2002).
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Neurotoxicity of Low-Level Exposure
Findings from studies of acute exposure to moderate levels
of pesticides are inconsistent. Some studies of well-trained
and -equipped pesticide applicators in the United States
reported that exposure to OPs sustained during a single work
shift (Maizlish et al. 1987) or assessed using a short-lived
urinary biomarker (Dick et al. 2001) was associated with
little neurotoxicity. However, several studies in developing
countries, where exposures may have been higher, found that
acute exposure to OPs was associated with increased symptom
prevalence in commercial applicators (Misra et al. 1985) and
farmworkers (London et al. 1998; Ohayo-Mitoko et al. 2000).
Acute and chronic exposures are often correlated, sometimes
making it difficult to separate their effects. The following
discussion focuses on the effects of chronic exposure to
moderate levels of pesticides, although in many studies acute
exposure may also have occurred. Several types of neurologic
end points are considered, including symptom prevalence,
neurobehavioral performance, sensory and motor dysfunction,
and direct measures of nerve function. Studies are summarized
in Table 2.
Symptom Prevalence
Studies of symptom prevalence are often based on variations
of an established checklist (Lundberg et al. 1997) and
evaluate a broad range of symptoms, including headache,
dizziness, fatigue, insomnia, nausea, chest tightness, and
difficulty breathing as well as symptoms suggesting cognitive
(confusion, difficulty concentrating), motor (weakness,
tremor), and sensory (numbness, tingling, visual disturbance)
dysfunction. Pesticide exposure is associated with increases
in prevalence of many symptoms, with little evidence for
specificity. Most studies have focused on OPs; most of these
found an association of exposure with increased symptom
prevalence. Farmworkers (Gomes et al. 1998), greenhouse
workers (Bazylewicz-Walczak et al. 1999), and factory workers
(Bellin and Chow 1974) exposed to OPs reported increased
symptom prevalence compared to unexposed workers. In
particular, farmers and farmworkers who applied OPs had higher
symptom prevalence than nonapplicators (London et al. 1998;
Ohayo-Mitoko et al. 2000; Smit et al. 2003), as did commercial
applicators (Misra et al. 1985; Steenland et al. 2000) and
sheep dippers (Pilkington et al. 2001). Pesticides other than
OPs also affect symptom prevalence: one study found that
exposure to dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) was
associated with increased symptom prevalence (van Wendel de
Joode et al. 2001), as did one study of fumigants (Anger et
al. 1986) although not another (Calvert et al. 1998).
Additional studies have evaluated changes in mood and affect,
using either self-report or validated scales. Workers exposed
to OPs (Bazylewicz-Walczak et al. 1999; Steenland et al. 2000;
Stokes et al. 1995) or DDT (van Wendel de Joode et al. 2001)
reported higher levels of tension, anger, or depression on
standard symptom questionnaires, and OP applicators showed
elevated levels of anxiety on personality tests (Levin et al.
1976). Three studies found no association of OPs with symptom
prevalence or affect (Ames et al. 1995; Fiedler et al. 1997;
Korsak and Sato 1977).
Increased symptom prevalence was correlated with inhibition
of erythrocyte AChE in four studies of OP exposure (Bellin and
Chow 1974; Gomes et al. 1998; Leng and Lewalter 1999;
Ohayo-Mitoko et al. 2000) and with inhibition of both
erythrocyte AChE and plasma cholinesterase in two of these
(Bellin and Chow 1974; Leng and Lewalter 1999). Another study
found no relationship of symptom prevalence to inhibition of
either erythrocyte or plasma cholinesterase (Lee et al. 2003).
One study found that increased symptom prevalence was
associated with self-reported pesticide exposure but not with
depressed erythrocyte AChE activity (Ciesielski et al. 1994).
Effects of OP exposure may not necessarily be caused by AChE
inhibition (Pope 1999). Further, farmworkers have complex work
histories and are likely to be exposed to pesticides other
than OPs that may affect symptom prevalence without affecting
Neurobehavioral Performance
Neurobehavioral test batteries, including the World Health
Organization Neurobehavioral Core Test Battery (Anger et al.
2000), the Neurobehavioral Evaluation System (Letz et al.
1996), and portions of other batteries, have been used to
evaluate pesticide effects on cognitive and psychomotor
function. Tests included in these batteries assess memory,
attention, visuospatial processing, and other aspects of
cognitive function; commonly used tests include symbol digit,
digit span, visual retention, pattern memory, trail making,
and others. Most studies indicate that pesticide exposure is
associated with deficits in cognitive function. Sheep dippers
(Stephens et al. 1995), nursery workers (Bazylewicz-Walczak et
al. 1999), and other workers (Korsak and Sato 1977) exposed to
OPs, malaria-control workers who sprayed DDT (van Wendel de
Joode et al. 2001), vineyard workers exposed to fungicides
(Baldi et al. 2001), fumigators exposed to sulfuryl fluoride
but not those exposed to methyl bromide (Anger et al. 1986;
Calvert et al. 1998), and farmers (Cole et al. 1997),
farmworkers (Gomes et al. 1998; Kamel et al. 2003), and
pesticide applicators (Farahat et al. 2003) exposed to
multiple pesticides all performed worse on tests of cognitive
function. There are some inconsistencies among these studies.
Although most studies found deficits on one or more tests of
cognitive function, different tests were affected in different
studies, and a few studies found no relationship of OP
exposure to any test (Ames et al. 1995; Daniell et al. 1992;
Fiedler et al. 1997; Rodnitzky et al. 1975; Steenland et al.
Deficits in psychomotor function could be caused by
impairment of sensory input, motor output, or associative
delays; tests used include reaction time, tapping, pursuit
aiming, Santa Ana and other pegboard tests, and others. Most
studies indicate that pesticide exposure is associated with
deficits in psychomotor function. Farmworkers (Daniell et al.
1992; London et al. 1997), farmers (Fiedler et al. 1997) and
termiticide applicators (Steenland et al. 2000) exposed to
OPs, malaria-control workers who sprayed DDT (van Wendel de
Joode et al. 2001), vineyard workers exposed to fungicides
(Baldi et al. 2001), fumigators exposed to methyl bromide or
sulfuryl fluoride (Anger et al. 1986; Calvert et al. 1998),
and farmworkers with multiple exposures (Gomes et al. 1998;
Kamel et al. 2003) all showed worse performance on tests of
psychomotor function. Again, results for individual tests were
not fully consistent within or among studies, and no change in
psychomotor function was evident in two studies of OP exposure
(Ames et al. 1995; Cole et al. 1997).
Sensory and Motor Dysfunction
Neurobehavioral test batteries are often supplemented with
tests of sensory or motor function. One frequently used test
is vibration sensitivity, which evaluates peripheral
somatosensory function. Most available evidence suggests this
is not affected by moderate pesticide exposure. One study of
farmers exposed to OPs found decreased sensitivity (Stokes et
al. 1995), and another of farmers exposed to multiple
pesticides found both decreased sensitivity and other signs of
peripheral neuropathy (Cole et al. 1998). However, other
studies of individuals exposed to OPs (Ames et al. 1995;
London et al. 1998; Pilkington et al. 2001; Steenland et al.
2000), DDT (van Wendel de Joode et al. 2001), fumigants (Anger
et al. 1986; Calvert et al. 1998), or multiple pesticides
(Kamel et al. 2003) found no relationship of exposure to
vibration sensitivity or other measures of somatosensory
Few studies have evaluated other aspects of sensory
function. One study suggested that the sense of smell was not
affected by OPs (Steenland et al. 2000); another study
suggested a relationship with fumigants (Calvert et al. 1998).
Visual contrast sensitivity was not affected by exposure to
OPs (Steenland et al. 2000; van Wendel de Joode et al. 2001)
or multiple pesticides (Kamel et al. 2003), but color vision
was (Steenland et al. 2000). Retinal degeneration was
associated with fungicide exposure in a case-control study of
licensed pesticide applicators (Kamel et al. 2000). In
general, these data are too limited to draw conclusions about
the relationship to pesticide exposure to sensory
Similarly, few studies have considered motor function, and
few inferences can be made about its relationship to pesticide
exposure. Tremor was related to exposure to multiple
pesticides in one study (Davignon et al. 1965) but not to OPs
in two others (London et al. 1998; Steenland et al. 2000).
Grip strength was not related to exposure to fumigants (Anger
et al. 1986), DDT (van Wendel de Joode et al. 2001), or
multiple pesticides (Kamel et al. 2003).
Balance is an integrated sensorimotor function. An early
study found deficits in balance in apple farmers exposed to
multiple pesticides (Davignon et al. 1965). In modern studies,
balance is commonly evaluated by a test of postural sway;
varying the conditions of the test may indicate whether
impaired balance is related to deficits in visual,
proprioceptive, or vestibular input. Three studies of
individuals exposed to OPs (Steenland et al. 2000) or to
multiple pesticides (Kamel et al. 2003; Sack et al. 1993)
found that impaired postural sway was associated with
exposure, but effects were small and another study found no
relationship of OP exposure to postural sway (Ames et al.
1995). Effects were most evident when both visual and
proprioceptive inputs were removed, suggesting that vestibular
function may be affected (Kamel et al. 2003; Sack et al.
Nerve Function
Studies that have evaluated peripheral nerve conduction
have produced largely negative results. Several studies of OPs
found little evidence of impaired nerve conduction (Ames et
al. 1995; Engel et al. 1998; Steenland et al. 2000). One study
of fumigators found deficits in nerve conduction (Calvert et
al. 1998), but another did not (Anger et al. 1986). In
contrast, fungicide exposure was related to impaired nerve
conduction in a study of bulb farmers, which also found
deficits in autonomic nerve function (Ruijten et al. 1994).
One study found changes in electroencephalogram (EEG)
associated with OP exposure (Korsak and Sato 1977).
Three studies have performed clinical neurologic
examinations in a subset of individuals identified by field
studies as having deficits related to OP exposure. Beach et
al. (1996) studied sheep dippers with increased symptom
prevalence (Stephens et al. 1995); Horowitz et al. (1999)
studied apple farmers with decreased vibration sensitivity
(Stokes et al. 1995); and Jamal et al. (2002) studied sheep
dippers with peripheral neuropathy (Pilkington et al. 2001).
In general, clinical examination confirmed the results of the
field studies, although clinically recognizable neurologic
abnormalities were minor and not present in all individuals
identified by the field studies.
Genetic Susceptibility to Pesticide Neurotoxicity
Individual response to pesticide exposure may be affected
by polymorphisms in genes affecting pesticide metabolism. The
best-known example is paraoxonase, an enzyme that hydrolyzes
active metabolites of OPs (Costa et al. 2003). Animal studies
suggest that changes in serum paraoxonase activity alter
susceptibility to OP toxicity (Costa et al. 2003). In humans,
paraoxonase polymorphisms affect the relationship of OP
exposure to both erythrocyte AChE inhibition and symptom
prevalence (Lee et al. 2003; Leng and Lewalter 1999; Mackness
et al. 2003; Sozmen et al. 2002). Although Costa et al. (2003)
have suggested that adequate evaluation of susceptibility
requires measuring serum paraoxonase activity as well as
genotype, recent population-based studies have suggested that
the discrepancy between genotype and phenotype is relatively
small and that nongenetic factors contribute relatively little
to variation in serum activity (Ferre et al. 2003;
Vincent-Viry et al. 2003).
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Neurodegenerative Disease
Parkinson Disease
An extensive literature suggests that pesticide exposure
may increase risk of Parkinson disease (Le Couteur et al.
1999). Many studies have found an association of Parkinson
disease risk with living in rural areas, drinking well water,
and farming as an occupation (Priyadarshi et al. 2001). More
specifically, case-control studies have observed that
pesticide exposure is associated with increased Parkinson
disease risk, although results are not fully consistent.
Studies published before 1999 were reviewed by Le Couteur et
al. (1999), who noted that 12 of 20 studies found a positive
association, with 1.6- to 7-fold increases in risk. Some of
these studies evaluated risks associated with ever exposure to
any pesticide. This broad definition of exposure permits
significant misclassification, which could minimize the
magnitude of any association observed.
Recent studies with more detailed exposure assessment have
generally found an association of pesticide exposure with
Parkinson disease, with 1.5- to 7-fold increases in risk.
Case-control studies found increased risk associated with
possession of a pesticide use license (Baldereschi et al.
2003), cumulative pesticide exposure based on complete
occupational histories (Baldi et al. 2003a; Fall et al. 1999),
or occupational or other pesticide use (Herishanu et al.
2001). A cross-sectional study found an association of
parkinsonism with exposure to any pesticide, although not with
specific pesticides or pesticide classes (Engel et al. 2001),
and an ecologic study found that Parkinson disease mortality
was higher in California counties where pesticides were used
than in counties where they were not (Ritz and Yu 2000). Two
cohort studies with detailed exposure information confirmed
these findings: Risk was related to years of plantation work
and to self-reported pesticide exposure in men enrolled in the
Honolulu Heart Program cohort (Petrovitch et al. 2002), and
occupational exposure to pesticides assessed with a
job-exposure matrix was strongly associated with Parkinson
disease risk (5.6-fold increase in risk) in an older cohort
living in a vineyard-growing region of France (Baldi et al.
2003b). Three case-control studies found no association of
pesticide exposure with Parkinson disease (Behari et al. 2001;
Kuopio et al. 1999; Taylor et al. 1999).
Most studies of pesticide exposure and Parkinson disease
risk have been unable to implicate specific pesticides.
Several studies found increased risk associated with exposure
to either insecticides or herbicides (Butterfield et al. 1993;
Gorell et al. 1998; Semchuk et al. 1992), and one study
indicated that risk was elevated by exposure to
organochlorines, OPs, or carbamates (Seidler et al. 1996).
Several studies have implicated the herbicide paraquat
(Hertzman et al. 1990; Liou et al. 1997), which produces
selective degeneration of neurons involved in Parkinson
disease (McCormack et al. 2002). Case reports have described
Parkinson disease in individuals exposed to OPs (Bhatt et al.
1999; Davis et al. 1978); to herbicides including glyphosate
(Barbosa et al. 2001), paraquat (Sanchez-Ramon et al. 1987),
and diquat (Sechi et al. 1992); and to fungicides including
maneb (Meco et al. 1994) and other dithiocarbamates
(Hoogenraad 1988). Higher concentrations of organochlorines,
particularly dieldrin, have been found in postmortem brains of
Parkinson disease patients compared to patients with other
neurologic diseases (Corrigan et al. 2000; Fleming et al.
Animal models have also implicated pesticide exposure in
the etiology of Parkinson disease. In rats, systemic
administration of rotenone has been shown to produce highly
selective neural degeneration similar to that found in
Parkinson disease as well as a parkinsonian behavioral
disorder (Betarbet et al. 2000). Treatment of mice with both
paraquat and maneb reduced motor activity and striatal
tyrosine hydroxylase activity, at doses at which neither
compound was effective alone (Thiruchelvam et al. 2000).
Other Neurodegenerative Diseases
Information on pesticide exposure and other neurologic
diseases is more limited. Several studies have suggested that
risk of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is related to
farming as an occupation, although not necessarily to living
in rural areas (Nelson 1995-1996). Pesticide exposure has been
considered in six case-control studies; three found some
evidence for an association (Deapen and Henderson 1986;
McGuire et al. 1997; Savettieri et al. 1991), whereas three
others found none (Chancellor et al. 1993; Granieri et al.
1988; Gunnarsson et al. 1992). Only one study presented
detailed exposure information (McGuire et al. 1997): Based on
an industrial hygiene assessment of a complete occupational
history, pesticide exposure was associated with > 2-fold
increase in ALS risk, with greater risk at higher levels of
exposure. This study did not implicate specific pesticides in
ALS etiology. However, a cohort study found increased risk of
ALS among workers exposed to the herbicide
2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) compared to other
company employees, although this result was based on only
three deaths (Burns et al. 2001). Case reports have described
ALS after exposure to OPs (Bidstrup et al. 1953) and
organochlorines (Fonseca et al. 1993).
Dementia has also been related to pesticide exposure.
Occupational exposure to unspecified pesticides and
fertilizers was associated with risk of Alzheimer disease in a
large case-control study (McDowell et al. 1994), although
another smaller study of environmental exposure in the general
population found no relationship to herbicides, insecticides,
or pesticides (Gauthier et al. 2001). Occupational exposure to
any pesticide assessed with a job-exposure matrix was
associated with 2-fold increase in risk of Alzheimer disease
in a cohort of older individuals living in a vineyard-growing
region of France and exposed primarily to dithiocarbamate
fungicides (Baldi et al. 2003b). Occupational pesticide
exposure was also associated with mild cognitive dysfunction
in a population-based prospective study (Bosma et al. 2000),
with vascular dementia (Lindsay et al. 1997), and with risk of
dementia among Parkinson disease patients (Hubble et al.
1998). Understanding the relationship of pesticide exposure to
Alzheimer disease may be complicated by the fact that the
basic neurochemical defect in Alzheimer disease is loss of
cholinergic neurons, and that to increase cholinergic tone
Alzheimer disease is sometimes treated with OP cholinesterase
inhibitors (Ringman and Cummings 1999).
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Most studies of neurotoxicity have documented an increase
in symptom prevalence and changes in neurobehavioral
performance reflecting cognitive and psychomotor dysfunction,
but many found little effect of pesticide exposure on sensory
or motor function or direct measures of nerve function. There
are several potential explanations for these findings. Except
for vibrotactile sensitivity, information on sensory and motor
function is limited, and further study may reveal associations
with pesticide exposure. Another possibility is that the
increase in symptom prevalence is due to bias: Most studies
were cross-sectional in design, and individuals with greater
exposure or a history of poisoning may have been more
motivated to recall or report symptoms. Confounding by head
injury or neurologic disease, either of which might be related
to both pesticide exposure and increased symptom prevalence,
could also create the appearance of an association.
Consistency of findings across many studies argues against
these explanations, as do the positive findings of some
studies that used more quantitative exposure measures.
Further, bias and confounding are less likely to account for
changes in neurobehavioral performance, which is assessed
using objective test batteries. Thus, moderate pesticide
exposure may in fact have greater effects on symptom
prevalence and neurobehavioral performance than on sensory or
motor function. The lack of specificity of the symptomatic
response is also interesting. It is possible that the earliest
or most general response to pesticide neurotoxicity is a
general malaise lacking in specificity and related to mild
cognitive dysfunction, similar to that described for Gulf War
syndrome (White et al. 2001).
Although the weight of the evidence suggests that pesticide
use is associated with increased symptom prevalence and
deficits in neurobehavioral performance, there were some
inconsistencies that future studies should attempt to resolve.
It may be that certain functional domains are more sensitive
to pesticides than others, but the current literature is too
limited to resolve this question. Some of the inconsistencies
among studies are likely due to methodologic differences. A
critical concern is exposure assessment. Qualitative and
quantitative aspects of the exposure under consideration
differed among studies, as did the ability of the studies to
assess exposure. Exposure measures ranged from job title to
detailed assessment of cumulative exposure based on work
history. There was, however, no clear-cut relationship between
the quality of exposure assessment and the results of the
The choice of comparison group may also influence results.
Responses to symptom questionnaires and neurobehavioral
performance are influenced by age, education, and cultural
background (Anger et al. 1997), so it is important for
comparison groups to be demographically similar to exposed
populations. However, using a comparison group from the same
community or workplace as the exposed participants can create
problems. Although the former may have no documented exposure,
they may nevertheless not be truly unexposed, limiting the
power of the study to detect effects. There may be no one best
solution to this problem.
Other aspects of study design, such as size, neurologic end
points considered, and data analytic strategies including
control for confounding, are likely to influence results. More
than half of the studies considered were small, with < 100
exposed participants, and therefore had limited power to
detect associations. Poor response rates in some studies may
have biased results. Symptom questionnaires, neurobehavioral
test batteries, and other methods for evaluating neurologic
outcomes also varied among studies. In particular, different
neurobehavioral batteries employ different tests of cognitive
and psychomotor function. However, results were variable even
for tests used in many studies. Implementation of a given test
may vary between batteries; for example, a computerized
version may differ from a paper-and-pencil model, but even
this consideration may not explain all differences. A study of
styrene found that grouping results of neurobehavioral tests
provided increased power to detect effects of exposure,
compared to evaluating individual tests (Heyer et al 1996).
Use of similar analytic strategies might reduce
inconsistencies among studies of pesticides.
Pesticide exposure may be associated with increased risk of
Parkinson disease. Inconsistencies among studies are again
likely to be caused by variations in study methodology,
particularly lack of detailed exposure assessment in some
earlier studies. The positive results from recent studies with
more comprehensive exposure assessment, together with support
from animal models, reinforces the hypothesis of an
association. Results for ALS and Alzheimer disease are
suggestive but too sparse to support firm conclusions. Whether
the subtle signs of neurotoxicity found in studies of
poisoning and occupational exposure are related to the later
development of neurodegenerative disease is a question not
adequately addressed by the literature, although one study
showed that short- and long-term responses to moderate
exposure are not necessarily related (Stephens et al.
Historically, most studies have focused on OPs, first to
document sequelae of acute poisoning and then to explore the
effects of chronic moderate exposure. There is also evidence
suggesting that other types of pesticides, including
organochlorines, carbamates, fungicides, and fumigants, are
neurotoxic. No study has evaluated the association of
herbicides with symptom prevalence or neurobehavioral
performance, but these chemicals have been implicated as risk
factors for Parkinson disease. Although it is important to
identify classes of pesticides and even specific chemicals
associated with neurotoxicity, it is also important to
recognize that most workers are exposed to complex mixtures of
pesticides, which may contribute synergistically to
Other aspects of the relationship of pesticide exposure to
neurotoxicity remain to be clarified. Participants in most
studies have sustained both chronic and acute exposures;
because these are often correlated, the studies have not been
able to disentangle their effects. It is also possible that
studies of chronic moderate exposure have been influenced by
inclusion of individuals with a history of pesticide poisoning
in the exposed population. Several studies in which such
individuals were excluded found no relationship of chronic
exposure to neurobehavioral performance or nerve function
(Ames et al. 1995; Engel et al. 1998; Fiedler et al. 1997),
but other studies of nonpoisoned individuals have found
associations (Kamel et al. 2003; Stephens et al. 1995; van
Wendel de Joode et al. 2001), suggesting that moderate as well
as high-level pesticide exposure is neurotoxic. An issue
receiving increasing attention is genetic susceptibility to
pesticide neurotoxicity. In particular, genetic variation in
paraoxonase has been related to OP neurotoxicity.
In conclusion, there is mounting evidence that chronic
moderate pesticide exposure is neurotoxic and increases risk
of Parkinson disease. To substantiate these findings, future
studies must employ more detailed assessment of exposure in
individuals and consider the role of genetic susceptibility.
More studies of pesticides other than OPs and greater
attention to disentangling the effects of different types of
pesticides are also needed. Better information is required to
clarify the relative importance of acute and chronic exposure
and the role of moderate exposure in the absence of poisoning.
Finally, it will be important to clarify the relationship of
pesticide-related neurotoxicity to neurodegenerative
We appreciate the thoughtful comments of D. Baird and M.
Longnecker on an earlier version of this paper.
Funding Information
This work was supported by internal funding to the
Epidemiology Branch, NIEHS.
Reprint Address
Address correspondence to F. Kamel, Epidemiology Branch, MD
A3-05, NIEHS Box 12233, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709.
Telephone: (919) 541-1581. Fax: (919) 541-2511.
« Back To Top
Table 1. Studies of chronic pesticide exposure and neurotoxicity: exposure
Reference |
population |
Chemicalb |
measurec |
No. |
group |
No. |
Ames et al. 1995 |
Pesticide registry |
OP |
Mild poisoning |
45 |
Friends |
90 |
Anger et al. 1986 |
Fumigators |
Fumigants |
High pesticide use |
74 |
low exposure |
29 |
Baldi et al. 2001 |
Vineyard workers |
Apply pesticide |
528 |
not exposed |
216 |
Work in vineyards |
173 |
Bazylewicz-Walczak et al. 1999 |
Greenhouse workers |
OP |
Work with plants |
26 |
Greenhouse workers,
not exposed |
25 |
Bellin and Chow 1974 |
Factory workers |
AChE inhibition |
83 |
Faculty, students,
staff |
56 |
Calvert et al. 1998 |
Fumigators |
Fumigants |
High pesticide use |
123 |
Friends, neighbors |
120 |
Ciesielski et al. 1994 |
Farmworkers |
Multiple |
AChE inhibition |
202 |
Local population |
42 |
Cole et al. 1997 |
some applicators |
Apply pesticide |
144 |
Local population |
72 |
Cole et al. 1998 |
some applicators |
Apply pesticide |
144 |
Local population |
72 |
Daniell et al. 1992 |
Farmworker applicators |
OP |
Apply pesticide |
49 |
workers |
40 |
Davignon et al. 1965 |
Apple farmers |
Multiple |
Apply pesticide |
441 |
Local population |
162 |
Engel et al. 1998 |
Farmworkers |
OP |
Current farmwork |
67 |
Local population |
68 |
Farahat et al. 2003 |
Farmworker applicators |
Apply pesticide |
52 |
administrators |
50 |
Fiedler et al. 1997 |
Fruit tree farmers |
OP |
exposure |
57 |
Berry farmers;
storeowners |
42 |
Gomes et al. 1998 |
Farmworkers |
Multiple |
Past and current
farmwork |
226 |
Domestic workers |
226 |
Current farmwork |
92 |
Kamel et al. 2003 |
Farmworkers |
Multiple |
Years of work |
288 |
Local population |
51 |
Korsak and Sato 1977 |
Occupational exposure |
OP |
High cumulative
exposure |
16 |
Low cumulative
exposure |
16 |
Levin et al. 1976 |
Pesticide applicators |
OP |
Current pesticide
use |
24 |
Farmers |
24 |
London et al. 1997 |
Fruit farm applicators |
OP |
exposure |
163 |
not applicators |
84 |
London et al. 1998 |
Fruit farm applicators |
OP |
exposure |
164 |
not applicators |
83 |
McConnell et al. 1994 |
Farmworkers |
OP |
Poisoning |
36 |
Friends, siblings |
36 |
Miranda et al. 2002 |
Hospital patients |
OP |
Poisoning |
62 |
Cattle ranchers,
fishermen |
39 |
Misra et al. 1985 |
Commercial applicators |
OP |
Apply pesticide |
22 |
Hospital workers |
20 |
Nishiwaki et al. 2001 |
Rescue workers |
OP |
Poisoning |
56 |
Rescue workers,
not exposed |
52 |
Ohayo-Mitoko et al. 2000 |
Farmworker applicators |
AChE inhibition |
256 |
Farmworkers |
152 |
Pilkington et al. 2001 |
Sheep dippers |
OP |
exposure |
612 |
ceramic workers |
160 |
Rodnitzky et al. 1975 |
Pesticide applicators |
OP |
Current pesticide
use |
23 |
Farmers |
24 |
Rosenstock et al. 1991 |
Farmworkers |
OP |
Poisoning |
36 |
Friends, siblings |
36 |
Ruijten et al. 1994 |
Flower bulb farmers |
Apply pesticide |
131 |
Population |
67 |
Sack et al. 1993 |
Commercial applicators |
Multiple |
Apply pesticide |
37 |
Students, staff |
35 |
Savage et al. 1988 |
Registry |
OP |
Poisoning |
100 |
Multiple sources |
100 |
Smit et al. 2003 |
Farmers |
Multiple |
Apply pesticide |
216 |
Fishermen |
44 |
Stallones and Beseler 2002 |
Farmers, spouses |
Multiple |
Poisoning |
69 |
Other farm residents |
692 |
Steenland et al. 1994 |
Pesticide registry |
OP |
Poisoning |
128 |
Friends |
90 |
Steenland et al. 2000 |
Commercial applicators |
OP |
Apply pesticide |
191 |
blue-collar workers |
189 |
Stephens et al. 1995 |
Sheep dippers |
OP |
Apply pesticide |
146 |
Quarry workers |
143 |
Stokes et al. 1995 |
Apple orchard applicators |
OP |
Apply pesticide |
68 |
Population |
68 |
van Wendel de Joode et al. 2001 |
Pesticide applicators |
Years apply
pesticide |
27 |
Guards, drivers |
27 |
Wesseling et al. 2002 |
Farmworkers |
Poisoning |
81 |
Farmworkers |
130 |
Abbreviations: CAR, carbamates; FNG, fungicides; PYR,
pyrethroids. aOnly studies of chronic exposure in adults >/=
18 years of age with comparison groups are included. Two studies (Baldi et al.
2001 and Gomes et al. 998) evaluated two exposed groups. In four cases, two
references report studies of different neurologic outcomes in the same
population: Cole et al. (1997, 1998); Levin et al. (1976) and Rodnitzky et al.
(1975); London et al. (1997, 1998); and McConnell et al. (1994) and Rosenstock
et al. (1991). Studies are listed alphabetically. bIdentifies the
chemical emphasized by the study; participants may have been exposed to
others. cExposure measure that was used for evaluation of
relationship of chronic exposure to neurotoxicity; if more than one measure
was used for analysis, then the one providing the most specific information on
individual exposure is listed.
« Back
Table 2. Studies of chronic pesticide exposure and neurotoxicity: neurologic
Reference |
affect |
function |
function |
sensitivity |
Balance |
Tremor |
functiona |
Ames et al. 1995 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Anger et al. 1986 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
Baldi et al. 2001 |
1 |
1 |
Bazylewicz-Walczak et al. 1999 |
1 |
1 |
Bellin and Chow 1974 |
1 |
Calvert et al. 1998 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
Ciesielski et al. 1994 |
1 |
Cole et al. 1997 |
1 |
0 |
Cole et al. 1998 |
1 |
Daniell et al. 1992 |
0 |
1 |
Davignon et al. 1965 |
1 |
1 |
Engel et al. 1998 |
0 |
Farahat et al. 2003 |
1 |
Fiedler et al. 1997 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
Gomes et al. 1998 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Kamel et al. 2003 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
Korsak and Sato 1977 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
Levin et al. 1976 |
1 |
London et al. 1997 |
1 |
0 |
London et al. 1998 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
McConnell et al. 1994 |
1 |
Misra et al. 1985 |
1 |
Nishiwaki et al. 2001 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Ohayo-Mitoko et al. 2000 |
1 |
Pilkington et al. 2001 |
1 |
0 |
Rodnitzky et al. 1975 |
0 |
Rosenstock et al. 1991 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Ruijten et al. 1994 |
1 |
Sack et al. 1993 |
1 |
Savage et al. 1988 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
Smit et al. 2003 |
1 |
Stallones and Beseler 2002 |
1 |
Steenland et al. 1994 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
Steenland et al. 2000 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
Stephens et al. 1995 |
1 |
Stokes et al. 1995 |
1 |
1 |
van Wendel de Joode et al. 2001 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
Wesseling et al. 2002 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 indicates the study found some relationship of pesticide exposure to the
general category of outcome, although not necessarily for all tests; 0
indicates no relationship was observed for any test. aPeripheral
nerve conduction,
« Back
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