Scientists Warn Parents on Pesticides and Plastics
Polly Curtis
Health Correspondent
Parents were yesterday warned by researchers that levels of pesticides previously thought to be harmless could cause cancers in babies and young children..
Liverpool University scientists argue that low levels of chemicals from pesticides and plastics could affect the development of babies before they are born and increase their likelihood of developing cancer later in life.
The organochlorines also accumulate in breast milk, raising the possibility that babies are vulnerable while breastfeeding, Professor Vyvyan Howard and John Newby say..
The research will prove controversial as the link between low levels of pollutants and cancers has been disputed in the past. Cancer Research UK urged people to be cautious about the paper, which involved a systematic review of all the evidence to date, and called for further thorough investigation.
But the researchers claim the evidence suggested the link was "feasible" and enough for parents to consider switching to organic diets to avoid contamination. The authorities should revisit regulations on acceptable levels of chemicals, they argue.
Writing in the Journal of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine, they say that research indicates that the dangers of pesticides for children have been underestimated. "We're talking about chemicals which could potentially cause cancer in children at parts per billion and parts per trillion levels, rather than parts per million and thousands," Professor Howard, who is on the government's advisory committee on pesticides, told the Guardian. "Preventative measures for these types of cancer have focused on educating the public about the danger of tobacco smoke, improving diet and promoting physical activity. We should now, however, be focusing on trying to reduce exposure to problematic chemicals."
He stressed that the benefits of breastfeeding still far outweigh any risk and parents should not be put off breastfeeding as a result of their analysis. The paper examines the evidence that some pesticides and plastics, which people are exposed to through food, air and water, can affect hormone production, leading to hormone-dependent malignancies, such as breast, testicular and prostate cancers.
It concludes that while population studies had not conclusively proved a link between lower levels of the potentially carcinogenic chemicals and people of any age, some animal studies have indicated the link.
There was further evidence that some people might be genetically predisposed to being vulnerable to the chemicals.
"It seems to be the most vulnerable members of society: the developing foetus, the developing child and adolescent and the genetically predisposed, who are at risk of developing cancer following involuntary exposure to environmental contaminants," the study says. "This may be an appropriate time for governments to adopt the precautionary principle until substances to which members of society are involuntarily exposed are proved safe from long-term, low-level effects on human health."
Professor John Toy, Cancer Research UK medical director, said: "People should not be alarmed by this study - it is a review of previously reported research and does not present new findings. The authors suggest that it is feasible that certain chemicals could be a factor in causing cancer but do not find compelling scientific evidence to prove a link."
Jamie Page, chairman of the Cancer Prevention and Education Society, which supported the research, said: "This research is very important and suggests that there are links between chemicals and cancer. It is our opinion that if progress is to be made in the fight against cancer, far more attention and effort must be made to reduce human exposure to harmful chemicals."
Peter Melchett, of the Soil Association, said the study echoed research conducted around the world. "Other research shows that children with organic diets have a big reduction in pesticide levels. If you want to avoid pesticides, eat organic."
FAQ Health concerns
What are organochlorines?
An umbrella term for a group of chemicals contained in pesticides and some plastics which are present in the environment and can accumulate in the body when contaminated food is eaten. They are believed to affect hormone production, which has raised concerns about links to hormone-related cancers, such as breast, prostate and testicular cancers.
How can you avoid them?
By eating organic food, according to the Soil Association. Although today's research says they can accumulate in breast milk, potentially putting babies at risk, the scientists stress that the benefits of breastfeeding still far outweigh any dangers. Washing fruit and vegetables thoroughly, and peeling them when you can might cut down on ingestion. However, Cancer Research UK, an authority on cancer research, stressed that people should not be alarmed by the research, which is based on existing research rather than new findings.
How are they regulated?
A government committee sets limits for the levels of pesticides which can be present in food. The researchers behind today's research are arguing that these need to be revisited because of evidence of a "feasible" link between lower levels and cancers in children.
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