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Bibliography; index
Collembola in homes, buildings, etc.

Busvine, J.R. (1966:419-20) Britain:
"The domestic collembola (i.e. sometimes occuring in houses) such as Hypogastrura purpurescens Lubbock, thrive between temperatures of 3 degrees C. (37 degrees F.) and 15 degrees C. (59 degrees F.). They are resistant to low temperature and cold death occurs at -5 degrees to -15 degrees C. (23-25 degrees F.)."
"An American pest-control operator described an infestation of Seira nigromaculata in decayed insulation of a refrigeration plant. This was eradicated by injecting the insulating material at 6-foot intervals with a 5% solution of rotenone in methyl formate.

Christiansen, K. (1998 in 2001:in litt.) California & Indiana:
"I have two validated cases of house infestations by species of Lepidocyrtus, one from California and one from Indiana. Oddly, two different species are involved: Lepidocyrtus floridensis and Lepidocyrtus fimicolus. Neither has previously been reported from buildings. In both cases the inhabitants claimed the Collembola were responsible for human infestation but no specimens were collected from their bodies. The collections were from their houses but were both in large numbers."

Christiansen, K. & Bellinger, P. (1980:921) North America:
"Willowsia buski (Lubbock), 1870 ... This species is most common in man-made structures ..."

Christiansen, K.A., Janssens, F. & Jones, D. (1999) Florida:
"This publication is an attempt to report as detailed as possible the where abouts of a domestic infestation in a house in Florida by a neotropical entomobryid springtail Seira brasiliana (Arlé, 1939) Marcus, 1949 that is apparently extending its geographical range on the northern hemisphere as well as its range of habitats."
"The springtail specimens have been collected by the junior author in and around his house in the St Peterburg area in Florida, US on 1999.06.05-06. The springtails have been collected some from inside the bathroom, some from the outside walls around the pool, and the majority of them from around the outside wall of the bedroom window."

Colwell, C. in Christiansen (1998 in 2001:in litt.) Indiana:
"... I inspected the home [in Indiana] earlier this week and found no live springtails, nor any in the 40-some sticky monitor traps our Technician had previously placed. However, the homeowner did have two containers of hundreds of dead springtails, presumably of the variety you identified [Lepidocyrtus fimicolus].
My conclusion from questioning the homeowner and observing conditions present in and around the home leads me to believe that the 'infestation' originated from outside, specifically around the foundation. The infestation seems to be sporadic and correlated with excessive moisture events outside; heavy rain earlier, and thawing snow a couple weeks ago.
I believe the springtails were washed from soil and debris around the foundation, somehow managed to find their way through the foundation and into the basement where large numbers of them, mostly dead, accumulated for example on a table top next to the foundation wall. Sightings elsewhere in the house I attribute to transport of household items from the basement. We will be suggesting moisture reduction strategies to the homeowner, and providing exterior perimeter sprays of pyrethroids around the foundation."

Denis (1934) cited from Gisin (1962:20-21) France:
"un grand nombre d'exemplaires dans une maison près de Paris signalés par DENIS (1934) sous le nom de Entomobrya subpurpurascens Denis"
HRISTIANSEN (1958) a vu les spécimens de DENIS et affirme leur identité avec E. purpurascens, forme décrite de l'Amerique du Nord, ce qui fait dire cet auteur qu'en Europe l'espèce est introduite par l'homme."
Cited from Ellis (1974:233-234):
"Gisin, 1962, discusess three similar cases [of Entomobryoides purpurascens (PACKARD, 1873)] in Paris and Genève."

Ellis (1974:233-234,235) the Netherlands:
"Of the species that occur in or associated with houses, I mention a mass occurence of Entomobryoides purpurascens (PACKARD, 1873) in a house at Eindhoven. (Gisin, 1962, discusses three similar cases in Paris and Genève). Another occasional plaque in houses is Bourletiella hortensis. Twice Willowsia buski (LUBBOCK, 1869) is found as a synanthropic. Seira domestica (NICOLET, 1841) is in the Netherlands restricted to houses, where it is found not infrequently, though never in any number."
"... The species [Bourletiella hortensis] is rather often found in synanthropic situations (probably in connection with its preference for almost bare habitats): on pavements, gravel roads, sport fields, flat roofs covered with gravel, etc. From the last habitat they are often driven by drought down into the houses, where they may suddenly appear in vast and most annoying numbers. Each year some of these cases are brought to my attention."

Fay, R.W. in Scott, H.G., Wiseman, J.S. & Stojanovich, C.J. (1962:430) Nearctic:
"... species of Nearctic Collembola ... reported intimiately associated with man (only earliest reference given):
Entomobrya griseo-olivata[sic] (Packard 1873), by Fay 1958
Fay, R.W. 1958. Personal communication."

Fjellberg, A. (1980:55,77,85,93,116,119,121,134) Norway:
p.55: "Onychiurus cebennarius Gisin, 1956 ... in flower pot in a house"
p.77: Folsomia candida (Willem, 1902) ... In flower pot in a house in Bergen."
p.85: "Cryptopygus bipunctatus (Axelson, 1903) ... Also reported from a flower pot in a house at N.Fron (Oppland)."
p.93: "Proisotoma minuta (Tullberg, 1871) ... Also in flower pots indoor."
p.116: "Entomobrya spectabilis Reuter, 1890 ... Under flower pots, etc. Indoor."
p.119: "Willowsia buski (Lubbock, 1869) ... Sometimes indoor."
"Willowsia nigromaculata (Lubbock, 1873) ... A frequent species in houses. More rare outdoor ..."
"Willowsia platani (Nicolet, 1841) ... Reported by Lie Pettersen (1896) from a house at Romarheim in Hosanger (Hordaland). Probably rare."
p.121: "Lepidocyrtus ruber Schött, 1902 ... Some records from greenhouses and flower pots in E and W.Norway."
p.134: "Sminthurinus niger (Lubbock, 1876) ... I have seen some specimens collected in flower pots in a house at Bergen."
"Sminthurinus trinotatus Axelson, 1905 ... Some specimens in flower pots in a house near Bergen."

Gisin, H. (1962:20-21) Swiss:
"Genève, en pleine ville, quartier des Eaux-Vives, maison locative située pas loin d'un grand peuplier, des centaines de spécimens [de Entomobrya purpurascens (PACKARD, 1873)] dans une cuvette placée sous un chauffe-eau dans la salle de bains, début de septembre 1961, leg. M. Mamboury. Ces exemplaires appartiennent à la forme B de CHRISTIANSEN, c.-à.d. le pigment violet forme des bandes transversales aux bords postérieurs des segments."
Cited from Ellis (1974:233-234):
"Gisin, 1962, discusess three similar cases [of Entomobryoides purpurascens (PACKARD, 1873)] in Paris and Genève."

Greenslade, P. (1995:247,248,250,255,256) Australia:
p.247: "Entomobrya unostrigata STACH is one of the most abundant and widely-distributed collembolan species on agricultural land in southern Australia. It was collected for the first time in Australia in January 1941 from a military hospital in Melbourne, Victoria, where it was numerous, but misidentified as Entomobrya tenuicauda SCHÖTT, (PESCOTT 1942)."
p.248: the misidentification with Entomobrya unostrigata is defined as such:
"As Entomobrya tenuicauda nec S
CHÖTT 1917 sensu PESCOTT 1942."
p.250: "Entomobrya unostrigata has been confused with E. tenuicauda S
CHÖTT 1917, described from Queensland, which also has a reduced anteapical tooth to the mucro. However, E. tenuicauda differs in having broader dark pigment bands on the posterior margins of the thoracic and abdominal segments and two distinct bands on abd. IV, in the lack of a dorsal medial stripe or pigment on vertex of head and smaller size, <2mm compared with >2mm for E. unostrigata (SCHÖTT 1917 Fig. 16)."
p.256: "Records of E. unostrigata causing a nuisance in dwellings were first made in 1941 (P
ESCOTT 1942) where it was said to be "causing itch" in a hospital. Since then, it has been reported as infesting houses on several occasions (ARNAUD, DAVIES 1980, Fig. 3, 4) and it is the most frequently recorded Collembolan from houses in Australia (P. GREENSLADE, unpublished data). On several additional occasions it was said to be causing irritation to the skin and WOMERSLEY (quoted by PESCOTT 1942) has suggested that the dense macrosetae, which cover the animals and are easily detached, could be the cause of this irritation, but tests failed to demonstrate any effect (P. GREENSLADE unpublished data). All household records have been made in summer (Fig. 4) although the species is present outside throughout the year. The animals seem to invade drains, in the first instance possibly being attracted by the moist conditions and presence of food in the form of fungi. For instance, shower curtains have been described as "black" with these animals (ARNAUD, DAVIES 1980). CHRISTIANSEN (pers. comm.) noted swarming (migratory) behaviour after harvesting a cotton field, animals covering the road were so dense that they were "greying the ground" and causing vehicles to slip. It is suggested that here lower moisture levels, caused by exposure of the ground surface in the cotton fields after cropping, had caused individuals to seek more humid conditions elsewhere. This seems likely also to be the reason for summer invasion of damp areas in Australian houses as conditions outside become excessively hot and dry."

Linnaniemi, W. (1907) cited from van den Bruel, W.E. (1945:38) Finland:
"D'après LINNANIEMI, la plupart des espèces rencontrées dans les habitations y vivent dans la terre des pots de fleurs, d'où ils se dispersent en partie lorsqu'ils trouvent extérieurement au pot de fleurs une humidité suffisante."

Lubbock, J. (1873:72) Great-Brittain:
"Lepidocyrtus curvicollis is found in cellars."

Mallis, A. (1954) cited from Scott, H.G., Wiseman, J.S. & Stojanovich, C.J. (1962:430) Nearctic:
"... species of Nearctic Collembola ... reported intimiately associated with man (only earliest reference given):
Tomocerus spp., by Mallis 1954
Pseudosinella spp., by Mallis 1954
Heteromurus spp., by Mallis 1954"

Marlatt (1896) cited from Theobald, F.V. (1911:16) United States:
"MARLATT (2) records a Lepidocyrtus infesting houses in the United States."
"(2) Canad. Entomol., XXVIII, 1896."

Maynard, E.A. (1951:14,73) Nearctic:
p.14: "It is only rarely that Collembola are reported as household pests, and then usually the damage is in the aesthetic sense. Unfortunately, in the mind of the average layman, any small crawling animal is a "bug," and in his mind one's house should never harbor a bug of any kind. How unfortunate it is that if insects of whatever kind (including springtails) are to make their presence known in one's residence it is usually when visitors are present! As pointed out by Curran (1947) the presence of springtails in a house at a nuisance level is an indication that some portion of the building is abnormally damp and that steps should be taken to find the source of the excess moisture (oftentimes a slowly leaking pipe). In such an environment, where algae and fungi grow and serve as food, Collembola increase in numbers, and their presence then becomes noticeable. The soil of potted house plants may become teeming with some of the soil species, the result of rapid reproduction under ideal conditions of moisture and warm temperatures."
p.73: "Onychiurus fimetarius ... is found ... in flower boxes in houses ..."

Cited from Scott, H.G., Wiseman, J.S. & Stojanovich, C.J. (1962:430):
"... species of Nearctic Collembola ... reported intimiately associated with man (only earliest reference given):
Onychiurus armatus (Tullberg, 1869), by Maynard 1951 *
Onychiurus fimetarius (Linnaeus, 1767), by Maynard 1951
Folsomia quadrioculata (Tullberg, 1871), by Maynard 1951 *"

* Note: these records cannot be confirmed as Maynard only specifies 'flower pots' without mentioning 'in house'.

Nicolet, H. (1842:76) Swiss:
"Degeeria domestica. ... Cette éspèce se trouve dans les maisons, ou elle vit solitaire; rare."

Scott, D.B. (1953) cited from Scott, H.G., Wiseman, J.S. & Stojanovich, C.J. (1962:430) Nearctic:
"... species of Nearctic Collembola ... reported intimiately associated with man (only earliest reference given):
Hypogastrura armata (Nicolet, 1841) by Scott 1953
Entomobrya nivalis (Linnaeus, 1758) by Scott 1953"

Scott, H.G. (1958) cited from Scott, H.G., Wiseman, J.S. & Stojanovich, C.J. (1962:430) Nearctic:
"... species of Nearctic Collembola ... reported intimiately associated with man (only earliest reference given):
Proisotoma frisoni Folsom, 1937, by Scott 1958"

Scott, H.G. (1960) cited from Scott, H.G., Wiseman, J.S. & Stojanovich, C.J. (1962:430) Nearctic:
"... species of Nearctic Collembola ... reported intimiately associated with man (only earliest reference given):
Entomobrya atrocincta Schott, 1896, by Scott 1960"

Scott, H.G. (1961) cited from Scott, H.G., Wiseman, J.S. & Stojanovich, C.J. (1962:430) Nearctic:
"... species of Nearctic Collembola ... reported intimiately associated with man (only earliest reference given):
Isotomodes tenuis Folsom, 1937, by Scott 1961"

Scott, H.G. (1963) cited from Ebeling, W. (1975) ?:
"Another cosmopolitan species, Entomobrya atrocinta Schött (figures 336 and 337), is a pest of dried milk powder."

Snider, R. in Christiansen, K. (1998 in 2001:in litt.) Michigan:
"[Lepidocyrtus] is common here in Michigan. I've had many questions about those little critters under my bed by the thousands. Here we have Lepidocyrtus paradoxus as the common culprit. I remember a case in Flint, MI. where the folks were ready to bail out. Another case in Monroe, MI. and another in Charlotte, MI. All were slab based houses with tile floors. In the summer the moisture builds up under furnature (especially if it is at hot, humid summer) and the little [critters] reproduce like crazy. I just tell the folks to vacuum under the bed and maybe put a fan to use until the situation drys out."

Soto, F.N. in Christiansen (1999 in 2001:in litt.) Indiana:
"... about the invading Lepidocyrtus. I have seen L. nigrosetosus in houses (well, my parents house in the country) but always as single individuals, so it does not count as 'infesting'. Anyway, I presume that the case in California involved L. fimicolus and the one in Indiana L. floridensis. I observed L. fimicolus in the field feeding exclusively on fungal hyphae growing on wet grass clipings, they ate the fungus like spaghetti. Maybe the house in California had fungus growing in some places."

Yue, Q. in Christiansen, K (1998 in 2001:in litt.) Shanghai, China:
"I once collected Willowsia nigromaculata and Entomobrya sp. in my laboratory, they appeared together and in a large number. I also discovered them in my kitchen, I think they mainly feed on crumbs of food. They mainly appeared during the night nearby the washing tank. But I never saw Lepidocyrtus sp in the house."

Waltz, B. in Christiansen, K. (1998 in 2001:in litt.) Indiana:
" Typically we [in Indiana] get Willowsia in homes. In the late 1980's I worked with a hospital which was having collembola show up in its surgical rooms. It turns out the Collembola (mostly Entomobrya and some Lepidocyrtus) were being sucked into the air ventilation systems from tall grasses near the intakes. The hospital corrected the problem by placing finer filters on the air system and pouring a concrete buffer area around the intakes." ______________________


Incidental human infestations

Casterline, D.G (1954 in press) cited from Hurd, P.D. (1954:814) Alaska:
" ... and about 50 springtails (Collembola, Isotoma olivacea Tullberg. The medical aspects, as well as the specific identification of the insects involved, are to be reported by Donald G. Casterline, M.D. (Calif. Mo. Medicine, in press)."
Cited from Altschuler, D.Z. & Casterline, D.G. (1997 in 1999:in litt.) Alaska:
"While obtaining all of these papers I had the pleasure of speaking directly with the reporting physician Casterline -- who while retired remembered the event quite well. There was little beyond his excellent idea to x-ray the area of the sinuses where the discomfort was apparent and where on x-ray there was distinct shading. He then aspirated the area and left Hurd to do his own thing in the lab where he identified what you read in the report. No discussion to my knowledge or reported by Casterline of questions about immunity."

Greenberg, Z. (1985) cited from Hopkin, S.P. (1997:3) ?:
"There is one case in the literature of a patient who was diagnosed as harbouring an ectoparasitic population of Collembola in her hair after complaining of an itchy scalp for over a year (Greenberg 1985). However, the source of the 'infection' was discovered to be a plant pot at the head of the patient's bed which supported a healthy colony of an unidentified entomobryid springtail. The patient was 'cured' by spraying the pots with insecticide."

Hurd, P.D. (1954:814) Alaska:
"During the past two summers I have served as research entomologist at the Arctic Research Laboratory, Point Barrow, Alaska."
"Apparently because of the use of the aspirator, a most unique case of "myiasis" (or infestation) occured."
"Approximately 2 mo. after the completion of the past summer's work at Point Barrow I became ill. During the week following the onset of illness four major groups of insects (Coleoptera, Collembola, Diptera, Hymenoptera) were passed alive from the left antrum of the sinus. These insects included ... and about 50 springtails (Collembola, Isotoma olivacea Tullberg. The medical aspects, as well as the specific identification of the insects involved, are to be reported by Donald G. Casterline, M.D. (Calif. Mo. Medicine, in press)."
"It is believed that these protracted periods of dailly aspiration during the summer contributed to a case of "myiasis" that is without parallel in its origin and nature. Insofar as I have been able to ascertain none of the insects reported herein have been previously shown to cause "myiasis" in man."
"Apparently the insects gained access to the sinus as eggs which passed trough the fine mesh brass screen. Admittedly, it is almost unbelievable that the insects should have undergone several stages in their metamorphosis within the sinuses, but since the screen was so fine as to preclude the possibility of the aspiration of adult insects, it must be concluded that such was the case."

Snider, R. in Christiansen, K. (1998 in 2001:in litt.) Michigan:
"We have Lepidocyrtus paradoxus from the butt of a woman who probably had an old fashioned picnic. Her doctor sent the specimens in. You can't be too careful when you tumble in the grass!"

Note: Possibly some infestations that do not cause dermatitis are just incidental, like the Greenberg and Hurd (1954) cases. In those cases, the Collembola are just annoying 'guests', a nuissance, rather then pests causing a disease. It is clear that not the patient should receive treatment then, but the real source of the infestation.



Human infestations not associated with dermatitis

Coutelen, F. (1928) cited from van den Bruel, W.E. in Collart, A. (1944:210) Loiret:
"1928, COUTELEN : une femme de soixante ans dont la chevelure est envahie depuis deux ans par Lepidocyrtus curvicollis BOURLET"
Cited from van den Bruel, W.E. (1945:35):
"Enfin COUTELEN a rapporté en 1928 un troisième cas de découverte de Collembole sur l'homme. Il s'agit d'une femme de soixante ans, habitant la campagne dans le Loiret et qui, chaque été, depuis deux ans, avait le cuir chevelu infesté de Lepidocyrtinus curvicollis BOURLET; aucune personne de l'entourage de la malade n'était contaminée."

Frèche, L. & Beille, L. (1896) cited from Handschin, E. in Schulze, P. (1926:45) Nearctic:
"... und dann um eine nicht näher beschriebene Form, wahrscheinlich eine Lepidocyrtinus, die Frèche und Breille[sic] (47) mehr als lästigen und unangenehmen als gefährlichen Ectoparasiten bei einem ihrer Patienten während Jahren beobachteten. Dabei soll die Form regelmäBig trotz Desinfektionen der Wohnung immer wieder erschienen sein und sich stets an den einen Hausbewohner gehalten haben."
Cited from van den Bruel, W.E. in Collart, A. (1944:210):
"1896, F
RECHE et BEILLE : un vieillard infesté pendant plusieurs années consécutives par un Sira sp., ou, plus probablement, de l'avis de HANDSCHIN, par un Lepidocyrtinus;"
Cited from van den Bruel, W.E. (1945:35):
"FRECHE et BEILLE ont signalé en 1896 le cas d'un vieillard de 70 ans, trés propre, portant des cheveux longs et qui vivait dans une maison confortable et isolé à la campagne, en Charente-Inférieure. Il souffrait depuis six ans de démangeaisons à hauteur du cuir chevelu, résultant de la présence de nombreux parasites. Il s'agissait, d'après les auteurs, d'un Collembole paraissant appartenir au genre Sira; HANDSCHIN, se basant sur le texte de cette communication, est d'avis que l'insecte était plutot un Lepidocyrtinus. L'insecte disparaissait à l'entrée de l'hiver, mais l'infection recommençait chaque printemps jusqu'en novembre. Les Collemboles finirent par pulluler en dépit de traitements mercuriels, des soins de propreté et de la désinfection des objets mobiliers, au point de circuler sur tout le corps du malade; il est remarquable cependant que les personnes de l'entourage du vieillard n'étaient pas contaminées."
Cited from Scott, H.G., Wiseman, J.S. & Stojanovich, C.J. (1962:430):
"... species of Nearctic Collembola ... reported intimiately associated with man (only earliest reference given):
Sira buski (Lubbock, 1870), by Freche and Beille 1896"

Handschin, E. in Schulze, P. (1926:45) Germany:
"Mir selbst wurde 1925 eine Probe von Orchesella cincta übergeben, die in mehreren Exemplaren auf einem Kinde gefunden und als vermeintliche Ectoparasiten eingeliefert wurden."

Scott, H.G., Wiseman, J.S. & Stojanovich, C.J. (1962:430) Texas:
"Springtail insects (Orchesella albosa Guthrie, 1903, forma ainslieri Folsom, 1924) were found infesting the heads and pubic areas of a family in Buffalo, Leon County, Texas, in June 1961. No dermatitis was reported due to this infestation, and the source of the insects was not determined. Based upon known habits of this species, some moldy household item (perhaps bedding) was probably involved. Orchesella albosa has never before been reported infesting man or houses. Its chewing mouthparts are probably not capable of biting man."
The ecology of Orchesella albosa is discussed, domestic springtail control is described, and a pictorial key to domestic Collembola is presented.

van den Bruel, W.E. in Collart, A. (1944:210) Belgium:
"  - M. W. E. VAN DEN BRUEL montre des spécimens de Lepidocyrtinus domesticus (NIC.) BÖRNER capturés sur la tete d'un enfant. C'est le troisième[sic] cas de Collemboles vivant sur l'Homme connu jusqu'ici (1896, FRECHE et BEILLE : un vieillard infesté pendant plusieurs années consécutives par un Sira sp., ou, plus probablement, de l'avis de HANDSCHIN, par un Lepidocyrtinus; 1926, HANDSCHIN : un enfant porteur de Orchesella cincta LINN. ; 1928, COUTELEN : une femme de soixante ans dont la chevelure est envahie depuis deux ans par Lepidocyrtus curvicollis BOURLET).
  Le cas observé à Bruxelles diffère des précédents par les points suivants: 1. les sujets sont citadins et non plus campagnards ; 2. ils vivent en appartement dans un immeuble neuf offrant de larges fenetres, garni d'un mobilier moderne et dépourvu de plantes ; 3. il y a eu contamination : plusieurs membres de la famille (père, mère, un enfant) ont hébergé le Collembole, deux enfants en ont été exempts ; 4. les parents sont jeunes, très propres, les enfants sont bien soignés, la maison est fort bien tenue."

van den Bruel, W.E. (1945:34-41) (Communication présentée le 26 juin 1943) Belgium:
p.35-36: "Le nouveau cas de Collembole vivant sur l'homme venu à notre connaissance diffère quelque peu des précédents. Il s'agit d'un garçonnet de neuf ans vivant en pleine ville, à Bruxelles, avec ses parents, dans une maison neuve et en excellent état d'entretien. Les restrictions dues à la guerre ont engendré une augmentation anormale des cas d'infection par les poux chez les enfants. Le garçonnet en question a été contaminé par ces parasites à l'école, deux mois avant les observations; il a transmis l'infection à sa jeune maman. Un traitement approprié a mis fin à cet accident. Cependant l'enfant observe ensuite à l'école, par deux fois, un insecte sautant de sa tete sur le pupitre. Ses parents ne pretent aucune attention au récit de l'incident jusqu'au jour où le père remarque un Collembole qui bondit sur sa table de travail, dans son propre appartement. Ensuite la maman constate par deux fois la chute d'un Collembole dans le lavabo alors qu'elle se coiffe, et elle retrouve deux autres insectes en peignant le garçonnet. Les frères et soeurs de l'enfant, plus jeunes, ne sont pas contaminés, mais quinze jours plus tard, une belle-soeur, qui recoit fréquemment la visite de la famille et qui appréhendait la contagion, surprend chez elle aussi un Collembole lui sautant de la tete sur la table. Depuis, il n'y a plus eu, semble-t-il, de nouvelle contamination. Les personnes atteintes sont très propres; elles n'ont jamais ressenti un prurit quelconque. L'appatement est fort bien tenu et en excellent état, éclairé par de grandes fenetres, extremement sec et garni d'un mobilier neuf; il ne renferme pas de plantes cultivées en pots. M. M
ARLIER, que nous remercions ici, a bien voulu déterminer les exemplaires du Collembole que nous possédions; il s'agit de Lepidocyrtinus domesticus (NIC) BÖRNER. Il a lui-meme capturé à plusieurs reprises des individus de cette espèce dans des maisons de l'agglomération bruxelloise."
p.39: "Pour le cas qui nous a occupé, il est vraisemblable que le lieu d'infection est le domicile des patients et non pas, comme ceux-ci le croyaient, la plaine de sable où jouaient les enfants."
p.40 (conclusion): "Les Collemboles peuvent etre considerées jusqu'à un certain point comme ectoparasites pour les personnes susceptibles d'etre infestées, car: 1. l'infection est durable; 2. les insectes reviennent avec obstination sur ces sujets; 3. ils se nourrissent peutetre des sécrétions du cuir chevelu ou meme des débris pelliculaire; 4. ils sont susceptibles parfois de contaminer un nouvel individu. Leur présence ne peut donc etre considerée comme purement accidentelle. Ils sont cependant des hotes absolument anodins, incapables d'occasionner la moindre lésion du cuir chevelu."


Frye, F.L. (1996:2-7) Iowa:
" ... Recently, I was contacted by an official of the National Pediculosis Society who was investigating the possibility that all members of a family that was living in Iowa and suffering from very sever and intensely pruritic mutifocal head, trunk, and pubic dermatitis were infested with parasitic collembolan (springtail) insects. "
"... Routine tests and biopsies were negative for the presence of Herpesviral dermatitis, mite infestation (scabies), and head- and bodylouse infestation (pediculosis). However, the white nit-like objects that adhered to individual head hairs probably were the eggs of headlice. Some skin biopsies revealed the presence of arthropod insects that were characterized as collembolas. Because of their similar small size, it is unlikely that the springtails used the headlice as phoretic transport vehicles to move between hosts. Therefore, it appears that some patients were simultaneously infested with both springtails and headlice.
A literature search revealed an expanding source of information that documents that springtails have become true parasites of a variety of animal hosts even though they lack specialized feeding structures. Once the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia began to investigate pruritic dermatitis of unknown pathogenicity, they found 123 cases. "
"... Whether the immune status of the affected individuals played a major role in promoting springtail parasitism or whether insecticide resistance was a component in these cases is entirely conjectural; however, both factors have been suggested as possibilities. "
"... To the date of this writing, the taxa that have been reported to induce intense pruritic dermatitis in man are: Entomobryo nivalis and E. tenuicauda (Hunter, et al, 1960; Scott, et al, 1962); Hypogastrura manubrialis and Sira buski (Megnin, 1839[sic]; Freche and Beille, 1896). In addition, Orchesella albosa var. ainslieri was recorded infesting humans without causing pruritis (Scott, et al, 1962).
In summary, these cases of collemboliasis may be only medical curiousities, or they may be the first 'sentinel' instances of a significant emerging parasitism."

Hunter, G.W., Frye, W.W. & Schwartzwelder, J.C. (1960) cited from Scott, H.G., Wiseman, J.S. & Stojanovich, C.J. (1962:430) Nearctic:
"Entomobrya nivalis (cosmopolitan) and Entomobrya tenuicauda (Australasian) have been reported as causing a pruritic dermatitis in man."

Mackie, T.T., Hunter, G.W. & Brooke Worth, C. (1945:541-542) Australia:
"The Collembola are primarily phytophagous and are not usually thought of as medically important insects. Two Australian species, however, Entomobrya multifasciata Tullb. and E. tenuicauda Schött have recently been recorded as attacking man, the patients complaining of a sharp, biting sensation followed by irritation and papules similar to mosquito bites, with pruritus."
Cited from Scott, H.G., Wiseman, J.S. & Stojanovich, C.J. (1962:430):
"Entomobrya nivalis (cosmopolitan) and Entomobrya tenuicauda (Australasian) have been reported as causing a pruritic dermatitis in man."
Cited from Ebeling, W. (1975):
"They [Collembola] have never been incriminated in the transmission of any human disease, but Entomobrya nivalis L., a cosmopolitan species, has been reported to cause an itching type of dermatitis in man, ..."
See also the original publication of Pescott (1942).
See also the revision of Pescott's specimens of E. tenuicauda by Greenslade (1995).

Mégnin, J.P. (1878) cited from Handschin, E. in Schulze, P. (1926:45) Nearctic:
"Es handelt sich um den Megninschen Podurhippus pityriasicus (= Hypogastrura manubrialis Tullb.), der auf den Wunden eines schlecht gehaltenen Gaules in Menge angetroffen wurde"
Cited from van den Bruel, W.E. (1945:34-35) :
EGNIN a observé en 1878 des quantités innombrables de Collemboles vivant dans les produits de sécrétion épidermique de plusieurs chevaux d'une meme écurie affectés d'un pityriasis général et chronique. L'espèce en question, décrite comme nouvelle sous le nom de Podurhippus pityriasicus, a été ramenée en synonymie avec Hypogastrura manubrialis TULLB."
Cited from Scott, H.G., Wiseman, J.S. & Stojanovich, C.J. (1962:430):
"... species of Nearctic Collembola ... reported intimiately associated with man (only earliest reference given):
Hypogastrura manubrialis (Tullberg, 1869) by Mégnin 1839[sic]
1 Under another name."
Cited from Bellinger (1999:in litt.):
"Mégnin (1878) proposes Podurhippus pityriasicus for a springtail found in sores on skin of horses. The species is certainly a Hypogastrura."
Note: It is possible that people that work with horses are troubled by Collembola that live in the stables and feed on hyphen of fungi. Fungal infections of the horse's skin/hair could eventually also infect the skin/hair of the workers. Anyway, in this case, the springtail is actually 'parasiting' the fungus and not man.
Alternitavely, the Collembola were possibly atrackted to the fluids produced by the wound. Hypogastrura has sucking mouthparts.

Mertens, J. in Christiansen, K. (1998 in 2001:in litt.) Belgium:
" Several years ago our Faculty of Medicine once offered me 'strange small insects', which were considered as being responsible for causing allergic reactions on the skin of a woman. Those insects were Seira domestica. I could prove that the scales of Seira on the cushioned seats caused the allergy. As you know, Lepidocyrtus, has scales too. "
Mertens, J. (2004:in litt.) Belgium:
"In 1976 (or 1977), our Faculty of Medicine was puzzled by a rare case of skin allergy in a woman, living near Ghent. The allergy was caused by the scales of Seira domestica on a cushion of a rotan chair. Whenever the woman used the rotan chair, the allergic skin response occured (and only then). The chair was located in the veranda, which was quite moisty and where the temperature was enjoyable. It turned out that the hollow rotan branches of the chair hosted a population of Seira domestica. During the night, they left their hiding place and crawled all over the chair. The cushion collected many of the lost scales, causing as such the allergic reaction."

Pescott, R.T.M. (1942:68-69) Australia:
"In 1939, specimens of springtails were received from a Melbourne specialist who stated that they were causing skin troubles on a female patient. The insect in question was the species Entomobrya multifasciata Tull., a European species originally described in 1871, but which is now cosmopolitan in its distribution. Womersley (3) records it as being common in cultivated areas in the Australian States. The symptoms of this case were as follows : the patient experienced a sharp biting sensation, followed by intolerable itching. There were few marks on the body with an occasional excoriated papule, while the irritation was distributed fairly generally over the trunk and limbs, but was most marked around the waist. Several specimens of the insect responsible for the condition were found on the patient's body. She received no active treatment, but her clothes and bedclothes were sterilised and this was sufficient to destroy the insect and thereby remove the irritation.
On considering the origin of this infection, it appeared that the patient had recently moved into a new house where the garden was in the process of being made. The insects had apparently migrated to the patient when the grass, weeds and soil outside were disturbed."
"In 1941, specimens of another springtail were received from a military hospital in Victoria, where skin irritations were occuring among the nursing staff. The species concerned was Entomobrya tenuicauda Schott., a native insect originally described in 1917 from Queensland, later recorded by Womersley (3) from Western Australia and Tasmania, and now from Victoria. In this instance, the presence of the insect produced on several nurses raised lumps very similar to mosquito bites, and which later were very irritable. In one instance there was also a good deal of reddening of the calf of the leg. These conditions lasted for somewhat less than twenty-four hours in each case, but reoccurred the next day, probably from more 'bites'.
On analysing this case, it appears certain that the insects were introduced into the hospital with flowers, and from there moved on the affected nurses during their normal routine duties."
"3. Womersley, H. : Primitive Insects of South Australia, Gov. Printer, Adelaide, 1939."

Womersley suggested that the easily detached, long ciliated hairs of Entomobrya species undoubtedly would cause skin irritations.
Pescott concludes that severe skin irritation can be caused by certain species of Collembola: "Typical symptoms are a biting sensation, followed by intense irritation and the production of small pimple-like bodies."
See also the revision of Pescott's specimens of E. tenuicauda by Greenslade (1995).

Scott, H.G. (1966) cited from Ebeling, W. (1975) ?:
"Springtails crawling or hopping on the skin may cause itching, and when crushed on the skin, they may cause a mild, localized, allergic response. (Scott et al., 1962; Scott, 1966c)."



Delusional human infestations

Altschuler, D.Z. et al. (2004:87-95) U.S.A.:
"Twenty individuals diagnosed with delusory parasitosis participated in a single site clinical study under the auspices of the National Pediculosis Association (NPA) and the Oklahoma State Department of Health. The objective of this study was to determine if there were any common factors in skin scrapings collected from this population. These individuals, whose symptoms were originally attributed to lice or scabies, were part of a larger group reporting symptoms of stinging/biting and/or crawling to the NPA. Multiple skin scrapings from each person were microscopically examined. Any and all fields of view that appeared incongruous to normal human skin were digitally photographed. When the photographic images were initially evaluated, no common factor was identified. However, more extensive scrutiny using imaging software revealed evidence of Collembola in 18 of the 20 participants."
"The images were reviewed by entomologists and the presence of Collembola verified and identified as representative of the families Isotomidae and Entomobryidae."
"It is possible Collembola found in lesions are opportunistic and that fungal infections or allergic reactions to pollen, fungi, spores or other organisms may contribute to or be responsible for the symptoms these individuals experience." "Collembola do not need to be human parasites in order to be present in the skin scrapings."

Note: The in the study participating entomologists have identified the Collembola based only on the digitally enhanced images of the skin scrapings; no specimens have been deposited in collection for further reference.
All the images presented in the paper, except the enhanced version of figure 2, do not appear to be from living or recently dead specimens or body parts broken off such but specimens in advanced states of decay. Comparing the images with Collembola from Canadian and Burmese Cretaceous amber where much decay had occurred in many specimens, as well as with thousands of pitfall trap specimens in various states of decay, it is obvious with some security that the specimens shown in the photographs, if they are Collembola, are badly decayed. Therefore, since the specimens were freshly taken from new scrapings, "The finding of images from 18 of the 20 symptomatic study participants supports their contention that they have something crawling on or under their skin." is not supported, unless the other pictures are far better. Under the assumption that the best pictures were chosen for the article, this seems highly unlikely. If Collembola were crawling then the specimens should be part of living specimens.
It may well be evidence that at past times Collembola were involved in a crawling sensation, such as caused by allergic reactions as described by Pescott (1942:68-69).
The authors should provide a skin sample including a collembolan specimen to prove their point. The case is considered unproven unless an animal is provided.

Barclay, L. (2004) U.S.A.
"In [the] single-site clinical study conducted by the NPA and the Oklahoma State Department of Health, multiple skin scrapings from each of 20 individuals diagnosed with delusory parasitosis were examined microscopically. The subjects were part of a larger group of more than 1,500 persons reporting symptoms of stinging, biting, and/or crawling to the NPA, and their symptoms were originally attributed to lice or scabies.
There were more than 300 anomalous findings in skin scrapings from the 20 subjects and none in the controls. These anomalies included pollen, spores, hyphae, mycelium, algae, and what appeared to be insect eggs, larvae, or embryos. Although digital photography of any and all fields of view that appeared incongruous to normal human skin initially revealed no common factor, more extensive examination using imaging software revealed evidence of Collembola in 18 of the 20 subjects."

Note: The case is considered unproven unless an animal is provided. See note on Altschuler et al., 2004.

Benecke, M (2004) Germany:
"Im vergangenen Jahr nun nahm der Fall des Randy Yaskal eine überraschende Wendung, als Hautschuppen von ihm und einigen seiner Leidensgenossen zum Staatlichen Gesundheitsamt in Oklahoma sowie zum Naturkundemuseum in New York gelangten. Dort entsannen sich die Medizinerin Deborah Altschuler und der Insektenkundler Louis Sorkin einiger Versuche des verstorbenen rumánischen Veterinár-Parasitologen Neculai Dulceanu. Der hatte schon mehrfach in der Haut vermeintlich psychisch Kranker winzige Insekten gefunden. So entdeckte man in der Haut einer 80-jáhrigen Frau alle Entwicklungsstadien (Eier, Puppen, erwachsene Tiere) von Collembolen (Springschwánzen). Die flügellosen Insekten haben es gern warm und feucht.
Die Wissenschaftler wollten es nun genauer wissen. Sie baten zwanzig Freiwillige, die als uneinsichtig-verbohrte Insektenwahn-Patienten galten, aber weder an Láusen noch an Krátze litten, zur Hautprobe. Und die Beobachtungen des Rumánen bestátigten sich: Bei 18 der 20 untersuchten Patienten lebten tatsáchlich Collembolen (wieder in allen Entwicklungsstadien) in und unter der Haut. Sind die Springschwánze Ursache des Juckens und Stechens? Hat der angebliche Wahn also eine reale Ursache?
Franz[sic] Jannssens[sic] von der Universitát Antwerpen hatte schon vor Jahren das Wissen über menschennah auftretende Springschwánze zusammengetragen und ermittelt, dass die Tierchen sehr háufig Gáste in menschlichen Behausungen sind. Auf manchen Duschvorhángen bilden sie einen echten Collembolen-Teppich; oder sie wandern zu Tausenden in Wohnungen ein, wenn es ihnen draußen zu ungemütlich wird. Dennoch krabbeln sie nicht jedem unter die Haut. Das US-Forscherteam vermutet, dass die Haut der Befallenen schon vorher durch Pilze, Sporen, Pollen oder andere Allergene angegriffen ist. Die Springschwánze nisten sich dann in bereits bestehende Wunden ein."

Note: The case described by Neculai Dulceanu is regarded as a sample contamination. See note on Terinte et al., 1998?. The case described by Deborah Altschuler is considered unproven unless an animal is provided. See note on Altschuler et al., 2004.

Christian, E. in Christiansen (1998 in 2001:in litt.) Germany & Austria:
"... [This] reminds me of several similar cases in Germany and Austria which turned out to be symptoms of what psychiatrists call 'Dermatozoenwahn' (delusional dermatozoonosis). This serious paranoid psychosis needs medical treatment, but patients usually refrain from visiting a competent doctor. They rather consult the parasitologist or (quite frequently) the entomologist, being often well-informed about their illusive parasites. ..."
"A wealth of medical litterature is available on this topic, but entomologists have not fully realized the problem as yet. I am confronted with two or three cases each year, because Collembola are among the frequently fancied plagues."

Frye, F.L. (1997:12-15) USA:
"... During 1996 and early 1997 twenty supposed cases of human parasitism claimed to be associated with insects and other invertebrates, including but not limited to collembolans, were submitted initially to the National Pediculosis Association (NPA) and then submitted to me for microscopic identification and evaluation. Investigation of these patients and the objects that were recovered from them resulted in examination of over 1,000 individual specimens. In each instance, one or more physicians had diagnosed these patients as suffering from 'delusional parasitosis'. All of the patients -- and the NPA -- thought that this diagnosis was incorrect, and perceived it as being highly pejorative."
"... The variety of 'organisms' that were identified microscopically included: two intact collemobolans[sic] ('springtails'), one partial set of collembolan abdominal tergites with an intact spring-like furcula still attached, one lepidopteran larva ('caterpillar'), several ants, a tiny ichneumon wasp, numerous assorted coleopteran beetles (including flour beetles) and beetle body parts, several winged dipeteran flies and midges, empty flea egg cases, one neuropteran 'ant-lion' (which the patient swears she extracted from a sore on her face), one psocid 'book louse', numerous urticarial setae from dermestid carpet beetles, two spiders and several mites. [(fig. 1)]."
"... In analyzing over a year's effort to elucidate the cause of this puzzling spate of human suffering, it is now sufficiently clear to me that the collembolans that were initially blamed as the prime supects were unfairly maligned. Certainly, they (like so many other arthopods) possess hair-like setae which, when they come into contact with sensitive mammalian skin, can cause irritation and even florid urticaria."
"... In mid-1996, I was invited by the NPA and Harvard University's School of Tropical Medicine and Public Health to present a paper describing my findings. I entitled the lecture 'Evaluation of patients presenting with suspected pediculosis, scabies or delusional parasitosis'. In that lecture, I exhibited photo- micrographs of some of the organisms and inanimate objects that I had identified from the patients who were referred to me by the NPA. The final slide that I displayed was the quote by Dr. Daniel E. Koshland, former editor of the prestigious Science magazine, which I believe represents my reaction to this interesting foray into comparative medicine, 'The gene for unbridled dedication to a lost cause will always overwhelm the pure logic gene'. In a wide-ranging colloquial discussion following my presentation, I found that my colleagues at Harvard who also have examined microscopically numerous 'fibre bugs' and other self-collected specimens from patients believing themselves to be infested, had come to the same inescapable conclusion as I had that the vast majority of these unfortunate persons were tormented by a disorder that should most appropriately be treated by a sympathetic psychiatrist."



Human infestations due to sample contamination

Christiansen, K. & Bellinger, P. (1980:922) North America:
"Willowsia nigromaculata (Lubbock), 1873 ... This species is the commonest house springtail in North America, and has also been found in shallow caves and cave entrances; because of its abundance in laboratories, it is a common contaminant in samples, and records from other habitats are therefore suspect."

Terinte, C., Dulceanu, N.I., Terinte, R. & Dobrescu, G. (1998?) Roumania:
Fig.3. Collembola sp.
Terinte, C., Dulceanu, N.I., Terinte, R. & Dobrescu, G. 1998?

"A 80-years-old woman presented with pruritus, insomnia, anxiety, paleness, weight loss (7 Kg in 6 months), and loss of appetite. In the lumbar region, on the buttocks, on the right posterior hemithorax and interdigitally on both feets she had small ulcers of 0.5-1 cm in diameter, surrounded by an indurated congestive or cyanotic, ovoid area of 1 x 1.5 cm. Small scars, with furfuraceous, dry and gray exfoliation on round and linear zones of 20-25 x 4-5 cm., were observed in the submammalian region. Linear short subepidermic truncated trajects were also observed. The microscopic examination of the hypodermic material obtained by scraping, revealed an adult Collembola spp. insect, eggs, cocoons of different colours, piles, a pupa, an exuvium and larvae. "
"In the epidermis spaces were present binding up larvae and nymphs. The horny layer was hyperkeratotic and included the adult insect."
"The blood gaps were probably caused by the histophagy of the insect."
"The adult insect, pink-reddish, measured 810 by 270 micron with antennas of 396 micron in lenght formed by four articles. The apical segment of the antennas was long with a scalp-like shape. All antenna segments were hairy. The head was anterior flattened and measured 216 by 126 micron. Both the head and the body of the insect were covered by short, thick, chitinous hairs grouped in tufts. Thick and flat tubercles were visible dorsally on the posterior part of the abdomen, while ventrally the jumping apparatus was located, with the furca, formed by two articles. The apparatus is obliquely and forward oriented and is covered by rare hairs and measures almost 2/3 of the abdomen lenght."

Note: After discussing the validity of the records with Dr Dulceanu, we reached the following consensus:
Since Collembola have no metamorphosis, the so-called larval and pupa stages found in the skin tissue do not belong to Collembola. The adult and only Collembola specimen is tentatively identified as Willowsia buski. Given Willowsia are typically domestic springtails, this unique specimen is considered to be a case of sample contamination.

Mertens, J. (2004:in litt.) Belgium:
"In 1977, in a hospital in Ghent, an insect was reported regularly in 'sterile' cel cultures. It turned out that the isolation material of the laminar flow cabinet, in which the cultures were stored, hosted a healthy population of Entomobrya albocincta. Occasionaly, specimens were blown into the cabinet with the 'sterile' air."


Almost all of the validated cases of human infestations have involved Collembola in head hair. In most but not all of these cases the people involved have been associated with horses and it has been suggested (but never proven) that fungi associated with horses were growing on the hair and the Collembola were feeding on these. In all these cases the group involved was a member of the family Entomobryidae. In many but not all cases the infestation has been associated with mild to severe pruritis. There has been a single clearly validated case of a biologist, who had been actively aspirating Collembola in the arctic, getting an infestation of Collembola in his nasal passages (Hurd, 1954:814). Getting rid of these infestations has often proven to be very difficult.
In all of the cases mentioned above large numbers of active Collembola were seen and could easily be collected. The nasal passage infestation became apparent when Collembola appeared abundantly in the discharge of nose blowing. If live Collembola are involved in the various infestations than these should be visible to the naked eye on the surface.

There is no recorded case of a Collembola burrowing in anything anywhere or found imbedded in any tissue. Indeed they are morphologically and physiologically ill suited for this. Their respiration requires gaseous exchange through the cuticle, impossible if surrounded by a tissue. If there were forms burrowing in human tissue they should be highly specialised in form, such as having a narrow, elongated wormlike body with strongly reduced eyes, antennae, limbs and furcula and having highly modified mouthparts for byting through human skin and underlying tissue. Entirely different from the entomobryid surface forms, having well developed eyes, limbs and long furcula, as reported by Altschuler et al., 2004:87-95. Collembola that live in the soil are limited to the interstices of the soil between soil grains, those living on plants entirely to the surfaces. Where clays have very small spaces between grains, Collembola do not occur. Those living elsewhere are found only in cavities. The one case of an animal commensal lives with hermit crabs in the spaces between the animal and the adopted shell. It is highly morphologically specialised for this habitat and belongs to a very distinct genus and family. Thus if Collembola were in fact the cause of a crawling sensation on the skin they should be on the surface, visible to the naked eye and collectible. Since the specimens or putative fragments as reported by Altschuler et al., 2004:87-95 appear to be Entomobryidae or Isotomidae this is particularly true.

It is possible that there is an allergic reaction to Collembola tissue or integument on the part of some people which produces the crawling-on-skin irritation symptoms. If so that would be readily testable by smearing Collembola on small unaffected sections of skin of people known to be sensitive to the disease and seeing if there is a response. One record of a case of pruritis from the scales of the common Old World household Collembola - Seira domestica is known (Mertens in Christiansen, 1998 in 2001:in litt.).


Tiny Bugs Wreak Havoc; Report of Collembola as Human Parasites Supports Recent Research Findings

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A 1955 report to the medical literature, apparently overlooked or ignored, sheds new light on the National Pediculosis Association's efforts to alert the medical community and health officials to the ability of Collembola to infest humans.

Needham, MA (PRWEB) August 19, 2005 -- Collembola, also known as springtails or snow fleas, are described in the authoritative "Biology of Springtails" by Hopkin as among the most widespread and abundant terrestrial arthropods on earth.

Collembola are referred to as the earliest fossil proof of insect life on the planet. Why should people care? Collembola are being found in human hair and skin. Infestations appear to be communicable from particular environmental conditions or from one person to another, and there is no known cure once a person is infested. And worse yet, people desperate for medical help with this problem are seldom taken seriously.

A 1955 report to the medical literature, apparently overlooked or ignored, sheds new light on the problem and the National Pediculosis Association's (NPA) efforts to alert the medical community and public health officials to the ability of Collembola to infest or colonize humans. (

In 2004, the National Pediculosis Association reported Collembola in skin scrapings collected from 18 of 20 research participants in its study published in the Journal of the New York Entomological Society at
Some Collembola experts disagreed with the NPA's research findings, insisting that it was impossible for Collembola to live in human skin.

Deborah Altschuler, lead author of the NPA paper, likens the scenario of Collembola and humans to the discovery of Helicobacter (H.) pylori otherwise hidden in the stomach lining, and the erroneous yet long held assumption that the stomach was a sterile environment and that peptic ulcers were caused by lifestyle choices. According to Kimball C. Atwood IV, MD., physicians scoffed when first faced with the notion of a bacterial basis for peptic ulcer disease.

Altschuler asserts that there is more of a scientific basis for Collembola in humans than the entomologist and physician's overwhelming acceptance of a psychiatric explanation (Delusions of Parasitosis) for people's sensations of biting, stinging and crawling in their skin.

The more symptoms are discounted as delusions, the more determined sufferers become to document their reality. Such was the topic of a one hour public radio interview with David from Canada who told of how Collembola wreaked havoc on his life and described his battle to have his symptoms taken seriously. (The interview is available at Barbara Glickstein, MPH, RN, co-host of New York City's WBAI Radio "HealthStyles," began the interview stating, “It is invariably the sufferers who bring first attention of a new disease to the medical community.”

And it was another sufferer, Michael, who searching on the internet came upon the title of a paper describing Collembola as human parasites, and notified the NPA.

The NPA says even the experts appear to have missed this 1955 Swedish Medical Journal report in which the well-respected entomologist, anthropologist and author, Felix Bryk, refers to the incidence of Collembola in humans as a plague, making mention of colleagues who during that time had also found Collembola as parasites in humans. Bryk said the Springtail Sira, (today's spelling Seira), was a human parasite being confirmed for the first time in Sweden. All this prompted him to write a report to the medical literature in which he stated:

“Until now, Collembolans or “springtails” have played a miniscule role as parasitic insects on the human body from an entomological/medical standpoint. Rarely, if ever, are they mentioned in the scientific literature. However the appearance of a previously unknown Collembolan as an occasional parasite that for years caused depression in a patient and continues to do so … has now rightly gotten the attention of scientists.”

The NPA had the article translated from Swedish and the first English translation of the Bryk report is now available on the NPA website,, with the permission of the Swedish medical journal Lakartidningen.



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