Collembolosis Information References Microscopy Videos



Denis (1934) cited from Gisin (1962:20-21) France:
"un grand nombre d'exemplaires dans une maison près de Paris signalés par DENIS (1934) sous le nom de Entomobrya subpurpurascens Denis"
"CHRISTIANSEN (1958) a vu les spécimens de DENIS et affirme leur identité avec E. purpurascens, forme décrite de l'Amerique du Nord, ce qui fait dire cet auteur qu'en Europe l'espèce est introduite par l'homme."


             Denis (1934) cited from Gisin (1962:20-21) France:
"a large number of examples in a house near Paris noted by DENIS (1934) under the name of Entomobrya subpurpurascens DENIS"
"CHRISTIANSEN (1958) saw the DENIS specimens and affirms their identity as E. purpurascens, North American variety, which leads this author to say that in Europe, this species was introduced by man."


van den Bruel, W.E. in Collart, A. (1944:210) Belgium: "- Mr. W E VAN DEN
BRUEL shows specimens of Lepidocyrtinus domesticus (NIC.) BÖRNER captured
on the tete of a child. It is the troisième[sic ] case of alive Collemboles
on the Man known up to now (1896, FRECHE and BEILLE: an old man infested
during several consecutive years by Sira sp., or, more probably, opinion of
HANDSCHIN, by Lepidocyrtinus; 1926, HANDSCHIN: a child carrying Orchesella
cincta LINN.; 1928, COUTELEN: a sixty year old woman whose hair has been
invaded for two years by Lepidocyrtus curvicollis BOURLET). The case
observed in Brussels differs from the precedents by the following points:
1. the subjects are town and either countrymen; 2. they live in apartment
in a new building offering of broad fenetres, furnished with a furniture
modern and deprived of plants; 3. there was contamination: several members
of the family (father, mother, a child) lodged Collembole, two children of
it were free; the 4. parents are young people, very clean, the children are
well looked after, the house is extremely well held." van den Bruel, W.E.
(1945:34-41) (Presentation submitted on June 26, 1943) Belgium: "p.35-36:
The new case of alive Collembole on the man come to our knowledge differs
somewhat from the precedents. It is about a nine year old small boy living
downtown full, in Brussels, with his parents, in a new house and in an
excellent state of maintenance. The restrictions due to the war generated
an abnormal increase in the cases of infection by the lice in the children.
The small boy in question was contaminated by these parasites at the
school, two months before the observations; he transmitted the infection to
his young mom. A suitable treatment put an end to this accident. However
the child then observes at the school, by twice, an insect jumping of his
tete on the desk. His/her parents do not pretent any attention with the
account of the incident until the day when the father notices Collembole
which leaps on its work table, in his own apartment. Then the mom notes by
twice the fall of Collembole in the wash-hand basin whereas it is capped,
and it finds two other insects while combing the small boy. The brothers
and sisters of the child, more young people, are not contaminated, but
fifteen days later, a sister-in-law, who recoit frequently the visit of the
family and which apprehended the contagion, at it also Collembole jumping
to him of the tete surprises on the table. Since, there was not apparently
new contamination any more. The people reached are very clean; they never
felt an unspecified prurit. Appatement is extremely well held and in
excellent state, is lit by large fenetres, extremement dryness and is
furnished with a new furniture; it does not contain crop plants out of
pots. Mr. MARLIER, which we thank here, agreed to determine the specimens
of Collembole that we had; it is about Lepidocyrtinus domesticus (NIC)
BÖRNER. It captured itself on several occasions of the individuals of this
species in houses of the agglomeration of Brussels." p.39: "For the case
which occupied us, it is probable that the place of infection is the
residence of the patients and not, as those believed it, the sand plain
where the children played." p.40 (conclusion): "Collemboles can be
considerées up to a certain point like ectoparasites for the people likely
to be infested, because: 1. the infection is durable; the 2. insects return
with obstinacy on these subjects; 3. they nourish peutetre secretions of
the scalp or same of the pellicular remains; 4. they are likely sometimes
to contaminate a new individual. Their presence cannot thus be considerée
like purely accidental. They are however hosts absolutely pain-killers,
incompetents to cause the least lesion of the scalp."

Ekbom, K. A. 1938. Der prasenile Dermatozoenwahn. Aus. Derm. Krankenhause Beckomberga, Angby

Fain, A. 1967. Le genre Dermatophagoides Bogdanow 1864. Son importance dans les allergies

Frye, F. L. 1997. In search for the haphazardly elusive: a follow-up report on an investigation into History Society 14: 53–60. (Stockholm) Vorstrand: Chefarzt Dr. 7. Wiesel, pp. 227–259. respiratoires et cutane´es chez l’homme (Psoroptidae: Sarcoptiformes). Acarologia 9: 179–225. the possible role of Collembolans in human dermatitis. Veterinary Invertebrate Society Newsletter 13: 12.

Griffiths, G. C. D. 1985. Hypogastrua succinea (Collembola: Hypogastruridae) dispersed by adults of the cabbage maggot, Delia radicum (Diptera: Anthomyiidae), infected with the parasitic fungus, Strongewellsea castrans (Zygomycetes: Entomophtoraceae). Canadian Entomologist 117(8):

Griffiths, G.C.D. (1985). Hypogastrurua succinea
(Collembola:Hypogastruridae) Dispers by Adults of the Cabbot Maggot,
Delia radicum (Diptera:Anthomytidae), Infected with the Parasitic Fungus
Strongwellsea castrans (Zygomycetes:Entomophthoracea). Canadian
Entomol., 8:1063-1064.

Tosi, L. (1977). Alimenti Animali Neili Diete di Alcune Species di
Collemboli, Richerce Preliminary sul Cannibalismo in Sinella caeca
(Schott). Ateneo Paramense. Acta. Nat., 13:445-455.

Collembola Implicated in Delusory Parasitosis

Benecke, M. 2004. Das geht unter die Haut. Der Insektenwahn hat manchmal eine ganz natürliche Erklärung? Springschwänze. Medizin [Collembola in skin scrapings]., Die Zeit, 23.09.2004, Nr.40.

Freche, L. & Beille, L. 1896. Sur un parasite accidentel de l'homme appartenant à l'ordre des Thysanoures., Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, vol. 123, 1896, p.70.

Greenslade, P. 1995. A review of the biology, taxonomy and pest status of Entomobrya unostrigata (Collembola: Entomobryidae) - an introduced species of agricultural land in Australia., Bulletin Entomologique de Pologne, Tom 64, Wroclaw, 30 XII 1995, p.245-259.

Handschin, E. in Schulze, P. 1926. Biologie der Tiere Deutschlands, Lieferung 20, Teil 25, Collembola. Berlin. p.7-56.

Mégnin, J.P. 1878. Sur une petite Podurelle parasite sur le cheval. Bull. Soc. Ent. France (5), 8:3, p.cxiii-cxiv.

Mégnin, J.P. 1880. Podurhippus pityriascius redescribed and figured., Les Parasites, Paris, p.102-104.

Nicolet, H. 1842. Recherches pour Servir á l'Histoire des Podurelles. Nouv. Mém. Soc. Helvet. Sci. Nat., 6, p.1-88.

van den Bruel, W.E. in Collart, A. 1944. Société entomologique de Belgique, Assemblée mensuelle du 2 décembre 1944., Bulletin et Annales de la Société entomologique de Belgique, Tome Quatre-Vingtième, XI-XII, 1944, p.208-210.

van den Bruel, W.E. 1945. A propos de Collemboles vivant sur l'Homme., Annales de la Société Royale Zoologique de Belgique, Tome Septante-Cinq, LXXV, 1945, p.34-41.


References with authors not in bold face have not been verified yet.

Arlé, R. 1939. Collembola. Anexo N.2, Ao relatorio da excursao cientifíca do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz realizada na zona da E.F.N.O.B., em outubro de 1938., Bol. Biol. (N.S.) 4(2), p.295-300.

Marcus, H. 1949. Observaciones sobre el Orden Collembola., Folia Univ. Cochabamba, 3, p.61-69.

Marcus, H. 1956. Über Sinnesorgane bei Articulaten., Z. wiss. Zool., 159, p.225-254.



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