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Chemical Cocktails – The neglected threat of toxic mixtures and how to fix it

FDA clears pesticide shampoos for lice and then the manufacturers market them as a “kit” with a lice spray for a child’s personal environment. Bad idea!! Always has been.  It all adds up – and researchers are speaking out.

A new CHEM Trust report “Chemical cocktails – The neglected threat of toxic mixtures and how to fix it”, highlights the reality of our exposure to multiple chemicals, the threat it represents to our health and the wider environment and why we are not properly protected.

In the report we call for urgent action from the EU to better protect people and the wider environment from exposure to real-life chemical cocktails. In our analysis, there are workable and effective policy solutions available to address this complex problem. The EU should now adopt them to deliver the promises of the 2019 European Green Deal to work towards a “toxic-free environment”.

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