“Being a parent has shaped my 25 years at PAN in fundamental ways. My first several years with the organization I was part of a job-share with another young mom, tag-teaming our organizing efforts to win a global ban of the fumigant pesticide methyl bromide. The more I learned about this dangerous chemical, the more protective I felt of our infant daughter Linnea — and the more horrified I was about the millions of children around the world who are regularly exposed to this and other pesticides. In 1999 our son Connor was born. After my maternity leave I dove into work on the Stockholm Convention, an international treaty that targets persistent organic pollutants for global phaseout. These chemicals travel the globe and biomagnify up the food chain, building up in the fatty tissues of our bodies — and particularly in breastmilk.”
Kristin Schafer. Pesticide Action Network: https://www.panna.org/blog/reflections-part-two-kids-pesticides-science?utm_source=blog&utm_medium=tw&utm_campaign=children