The Lindane Project is a petition to the United States Government to cancel lindane’s registration as a pharmaceutical as it has been cancelled by the EPA for all other uses.
THAT this compilation of government surveillance documents the presence and persistence of the pesticide lindane and its related isomers in the United States.
THAT the world via the Stockholm Convention has voted to take proactive measure to protect the citizens of the world from lindane and related isomers while the U.S. did not ratify the Convention but asked and received exception to allow lindane to be directly applied to humans as a pharmaceutical.
THAT lindane was banned by the US Secretary of the Interior in 1970 for use as a pesticide on lands managed by Department of Interior bureaus and agencies, or in any program run by them.
THAT lindane has been shown to be harmful to humans, domestic animals, the environment and global ecosystem.
THAT lindane’s persistence in the environment from agriculture continues to expose US citizens despite its cancellation by EPA. This exposure is increased by its useas a pharmaceutical.
THAT child and school protection from pesticide laws exist because there are multiple other additional and cumulative pesticide exposure risks to children in addition to the direct exposure to lindane as a pharmaceutical.
THAT the US Government agencies and State Governments acknowledge the dangers of lindane, require surveillance measures to track the availability and risks of lindane and related isomers in the lives of Americans.
THAT the US Government Agencies go to great lengths using time and resources at taxpayer expense to monitor, measure, collect and document the scientific evidence in order to protect the public’s health, welfare and environment.
THAT lindane was banned in the state of California as a treatment for lice and scabies because its use as a pharmaceutical contaminated the water.
THAT lindane however remains regulated by the FDA and available as a pharmaceutical treatment for lice and scabies, as though this massive amount of government diligence and documentation does not exist.
THAT active permits allow lindane to be manufactured in the state of Mississippi.
THAT FDA’s guidance by industry rather than government surveillance and actions, puts the US population at unnecessary and avoidable risk.
THAT US Government agencies must actively share knowledge and work cooperatively agency to agency to protect citizens from preventable toxic exposures.
THAT lindane is a persistent bioaccumulative toxic (PBT) chemical to which the US population continues to be exposed to and at risk from the past and current use via the ambient air, water, soil, food, manufacturing, Superfund sites, stockpiles, recycled plastic and the pharmacopeia.