Concerns over lindane treatment for scabies and lice
By Eric
Reason for posting: Scabies and lice infestations are common
afflictions often remedied with topical therapies such as lindane,1,2 a drug prescribed more than a million times last year in the
United States.3
However, lindane has several serious neurotoxic effects, ranging from
dizziness, headaches and paresthesia, to seizures and even
The US Food and Drug Administration recently advised that these
effects are more common in young children, elderly people and people
weighing less than 50 kg and has recommended that the drug be used
only as a second-line agent.4
The conditions: Scabies is caused by the mite Sarcoptes scabiei.
The mites die if away from a human host for more than 72 hours.5 Impregnated females (about 0.3 mm long) are transferred directly
through close contact with people, bedding or clothing. They
lay their eggs as they burrow under the skin, and after 3–4
days the larvae hatch and migrate to the skin surface, creating
new burrows, where they mature into reproducing adults. Infestations
often involve as few as 5–10 adult mites.5
Elderly and immunocompromised hosts are at risk for a severe
"crusted" form of scabies.1,5
Initial infestations may be relatively asymptomatic for the first 4–6
weeks. In subsequent infestations, an intense, generalized, often
nocturnal itch can develop within days. Pruritic lesions erupt along
mite burrows in the finger webs, penis, breasts, and folds of the
wrists, elbows and knees.1,5 Secondary bacterial infections can occur, as can a papular rash
on the buttocks, scapula and abdomen. Scabies is diagnosed
clinically, aided by skin scrapings showing mites, ova or
Treatment of asymptomatic close contacts is advisable to avoid reinfestation.
Head lice infestation (pediculosis capitis) is caused by Pediculus
humanus capitis.2,6
These lice live close to the scalp for easy access to blood and
warmth and will die without a human host within 1–2 days. Adult lice
are transferred through close human contact or through contact with
hats and other headgear, pillow cases and clothing. Daily, female
lice lay up to 6 yellow-white, 1-mm long oval eggs, or nits.6,7
Nits are cemented to the base of the hair shaft, typically within 6.5
mm of the scalp.6
After a week, a pinhead-sized nymph hatches and, within a week,
matures into an adult the size of a sesame seed.7
Most infestations are asymptomatic, but local reactions to the louse
saliva can cause a tickly or itchy scalp sensation. Secondary
bacterial infections can occur. Close contacts should be checked and
treated if infested.8
For scabies and head lice infestations, contaminated clothing and
toys need to be laundered in hot water, or isolated in a plastic bag
for 2 weeks or more.2
Pets do not carry scabies mites or human lice.
The drugs: Lindane (gamma benzene hexachloride), a lipophilic
insecticide, has been used since the 1950s.4
Although most serious neurotoxic effects result from misuse of the
product, one-fifth occur in patients using the drug
At particular risk are elderly people, young children and people
weighing less than 50 kg,4
possibly because of increased systemic absorption and neurologic
susceptibilities. Lindane is contraindicated in people with seizure
and should be used cautiously in those at risk of seizures (e.g.,
people taking HIV treatments, antipsychotics, bupropion, systemic
steroids, quinolone antibiotics or antimalarial drugs, and people
with head injuries or intracranial lesions, eating disorders, or
benzodiazepine or ethanol abuse).4 Toxic effects can be minimized by applying small amounts of the
drug for shorter than normal periods, by avoiding open sores, the
eyes and the mouth, and by not repeating treatment or by maximizing
the time between treatments.9,10
Lindane is absorbed more rapidly into warm, wet or oily skin, or skin
that is covered with occlusive diapers, shower caps or tight
Pregnant women should preferentially use alternative treatments
(see below) but may use lindane cautiously if other therapies
have failed or are inappropriate.11
Breast-feeding women should pump and discard milk for at least 24
hours after using lindane.9
Several scabicides and pediculocides are commonly prescribed in
Canada (Table
1). Local resistance, particularly of lice, to agents such as
synthetic pyrethroids and permethrin may result in treatment
DDT, malathion, carbamate agents and oral ivermectin are not
available in Canada. Combining a topical treatment with an oral
antibiotic (e.g., trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole) may increase the
success of head lice treatment.13
An alternative scabies treatment for pregnant or lactating women
and children less than 2 months old is precipitated sulfur 6%
in petrolatum.14
"Wet combing" — a nontoxic (but less efficacious) alternative to
pediculocides — involves coating the scalp liberally with conditioner
and removing lice and nits with a fine-tooth comb every few
There are limited efficacy data for the topical acetomicellar complex
of acetic acid, citronella oil and camphor (SH-206)8
or for formic acid preparations,14
topical vinegar and mineral oil mixtures, or several herbal
products.14 A note of caution, however: "pound for pound" some "natural"
therapies such as tea-tree oil may be more toxic to mammals
than chemical treatments.15
What to do: Patients susceptible to scabies and head lice infestations
include children and elderly people,5,6
homeless people16
and people in institutions,1
and they may be the most vulnerable to the adverse effects of agents
such as lindane.4
Alternative agents may be preferable for first-line treatment in
these and other cases. In the United States, patient exposure is
being minimized by strict warnings on lindane product labels and
limits on lindane package sizes.4
It is unknown yet whether Canada will follow this lead.
[back to top]
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Rockville (MD): Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, US Food and Drug
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- Medication guide: lindane (LIHN-dane) lotion USP, 1%.
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CMAJ • May 27, 2003; 168 (11) © 2003 Canadian Medical Association or
its licensors |