Thursday, October 21, 2004
Pediatricians Need More Training On
Environmental Health
Doctors and nurses need more environmental health training to
prevent, recognize, and treat diseases caused by environmental
exposures, according to a new study funded by the National Institute
of Environmental Health Sciences. Experts recommend that medical and
nursing schools add environmental health topics to training
"We know pediatricians want to provide the best care possible,"
said Dr. Allen Dearry, NIEHS associate director. "We want them to
have the tools they need to protect their patients against
environmental hazards."
A group of experts made up of physicians, nurses, and educators
issued recommendations to incorporate environmental health into
pediatric medical and nursing education. The study, conducted by the
National Environmental Education and Training Foundation, also
identifies key medical and nursing organizations that could help
promote environmental health training, such as the American Academy
of Pediatrics and the Association of Faculties of Pediatric Nurse
Practitioners. The study results will be published in the December
2004 issue of Environmental Health Perspectives.
The expert group studied the medical and nursing education
systems from undergraduate education through continuing education
courses. The experts identified places in the educational systems,
such as licensing exams and field work for nurses, where
environmental health could be incorporated. The group also
recommended that government organizations should focus on advancing
children's environmental health issues.
The study reviewed ongoing evaluations of medical and nursing
training programs. Previous studies have shown that pediatric
residency and undergraduate medical and nursing education programs
do not routinely include comprehensive pediatric environmental
health training in their curricula. Few pediatricians are trained to
ask their patients questions on environmental exposures or give
advice on environmental poisons, although most see patients with
health issues related to the environment, and the majority of
parents have expressed worry about their children's exposure to
environmental poisons. Furthermore, childhood diseases related to
the environment in American children, such as lead poisoning, asthma
and cancer, cost Americans billions annually.
The group of experts included representatives of National Academy
of Sciences, Institute of Medicine, Agency for Toxic Substances and
Disease Registry, Association of American Medical Colleges, American
Public Health Association, Children's Environmental Health Network,
George Washington University, Medical University of South Carolina,
Children's National Medical Center, Temple University, Oregon Health
Sciences University, Rutgers School of Nursing, Northeastern
University, Drexel University, Howard University, and the University
of North Carolina School of Public Health.
"It's essential that we give more priority to pediatric
environmental health," said Leyla Erk McCurdy at the National
Environmental Education and Training Foundation. "By following our
recommendations, pediatric health care providers will be better
equipped to recognize, treat, and prevent diseases related to
factors in the environment." |