NPA Press Release
08/27/2004 |
NPA Sponsors 20th
Annual Back-to-School Head Lice Prevention Campaign
Kids aren’t the only ones heading
back to school this fall. Boss Louse and his Head Lice Gang are sure
to be making an appearance. Learn what to look for, and check your
children for head lice and nits regularly. Early detection with
thorough manual removal of lice and nits is the best defense.
Jane Cotter National Pediculosis Assoc.
781-449-6487 x109 |
August 27, 2004 -- Kids aren’t the only ones heading back to
school this fall. Boss Louse and his Head Lice Gang are sure
to be making an appearance. This is why each year the National
Pediculosis Association (NPA) sponsors the
Head Lice Prevention
Campaign for back-to-school. What is the NPA’s message for
parents? Learn what to look for, and check your children for
head lice and nits regularly. Early detection with thorough
manual removal of lice and nits is the best defense. The NPA
urges this proactive approach given that there is no totally
safe and effective chemical treatment available.
Find helpful information about this important public health
problem at HeadLice.org along with warnings about pesticide
shampoos and sprays, answers to frequently asked questions and
the availability of a non-chemical treatment alternative.
Knowing what to look for is key, so be sure to sign up at
HeadLice.org for a Free
Critter Card™ with realistic images of lice and how to
differentiate nits (lice eggs) from normal hair debris such as
Boss Louse will also be appearing in over 50,000 doctors'
waiting rooms across the country this September in an
educational outreach video through the cooperative efforts of
the NPA and the Healthy Advice Network. While kids know that
every month is head lice prevention month, September is the
month to kick off the campaign that lasts all year long!
As part of the Back-to-School Head Lice
Prevention Campaign,
the NPA is offering discounts on
Boss Louse™ Educational

Press Releases From The NPA